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How Christianity View Generation Z?

Source: Asbury Revival 2023, Cincinnati Enquirer

I spent the weekend working and playing on a PC/ computer. I learned and watched about Asbury Revival which went viral in Wilmore, Kentucky. Approximately 15.000 attendances worshipping at a university, any sources tell. Which were mostly college and high school students. That was goosebumps! Felt like "Wow, America is back on the right way!" and "That's nice."

Generation Z, where somebody who was born around the 1990s to 2000s, living depends on technology and that is called the modern era. We have cellphones, tablets, Instagram, Twitter, and laptops, and we depend on technology the most. I heard that is also called Millennial Generation. We have easier access than the previous generation. I'm one of this generation. I depend on technology since I can't live without them. As you do and exactly, you can't live without them, aren't you? Well, we will learn about how Christianity views Generation Z. 

In the modern era, religion seems strange and unpopular. Individualistic, world, and indulged in advanced technology. Perhaps, we see that they love playing Call of Duty or GTA which they can spend 5 hours a day. Repeat, tomorrow they still play the same video game, and sometimes they try to play new video games, like Resident Evil, Red Dead Redemption, The Last of Us, and many popular video games. Repeat, again. I'm sure that's not just talking the video games, we can see how youth spend, like traveling across the world, hanging out, music, etc. I love spending to watch sports, television series, videos, and movies, and sometimes I love traveling.

The world isn't your place because it will be suffering if you follow Christ.

We will learn 1 John 2: 15-17. That's very strong and clear, as talking about "the world is passing away...God abides forever." Surely, that's not easy but you can do it proportionally, and you are needed to put your time into God. Spend with Him, that's important. The world isn't your place if you want to commit to following Him and listening to the Holy Spirit's guides. See 2 Timothy 3: 12, 

"Indeed, all who desire to live in a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." 2 Timothy 3: 12.

We see again, Jesus reminds His disciples in John 15: 18-25. Jesus knows that the world hatred. That's clear and you must be suffering but you are promised by the Lord that you will be earning wages that He has promised. Taking up the cross and following me, sounds often where followers of Christ must be. The Apostle Peter denied Jesus three times and now he decided to follow Him and minister the gospel around the world and end up in Rome, where he died crucified upside down.

You need to witness the world.

The world needs hope and your witness are worth it. The world falls into sinful and tempting activities. Jesus fasted for about 40 days in Matthew 4: 1-11. Jesus witnesses the world which really needs him. "I'm the light of the world," Jesus calling the world. We see the Great Commission, as we are selected to minister and witness the world. God is calling you to go witness the world and give hope to youth who loses faith and hope. Every day is on your mission. 

You bring your friends into the light. I heard that Ira invited her friend who looked up the community that she wanted to experience. Ira brought her friend coming to XA Friday and she was happy when seeing her friend had a great experience. Yes, Ira lived on missions where she invited people who need a community can help them grow up. We learn how Ira did, we live on missions. Tasa asked for permission at her campus to miss her exams over attending the campus ministry conference in Bali. I knew she was afraid, but God opened up her way and she was allowed to reschedule her exams the next week. Tasa lived on missions, and she didn't afraid because she knew how living missions God is calling her. 

That's why you are needed to witness the world. You must be. You can share with your friends about Jesus. You are selected to be the hope of the light and minister of the gospel in the world.

In a conclusion, every generation is still the same, ministering the gospel.

Every generation has different experiences and moments but is still the same. We are about to minister the gospel to the world. We are doing it the same but we are adjusting their generation so they can accept God's voice in different ways. For example, the previous generation might we need to print papers and publish books, but we live in the modern era, and we might need to have a new social media account that we use for ministering the gospel. We can make a video and then edit and publish it on Youtube, TikTok, and Instagram. Technically, we are the same, still every generation.

Ministering the gospel is a required thing to do so and is never limited. That's something might youth community needs. God is calling Generation Z to be witnessing the world.  We know many people who are unaware of religion, but we are required to share the gospel in different approaches, might a more humanity approach that they probably can accept. We know the boundaries. That's how we do. 

That's how Christianity views Generation Z based on my perspective. I hope you can witness the world because God is using you to be there. Living Christ and sharing the gospel. You and I, we are living on missions, that we believe every generation is still the same. Take care and God bless you.


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