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Showing posts from November, 2023

Reunification of Church - Possibility?

Source: Smelly Sheep We know that in fact, we have attended in the split and different churches for decades - where we attend Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox churches, even heretical churches. I know someone will ask a crucial question, is " Why don't just one united church ?" Yes, we do it the same! We do not want to split. We want to attend in just one united church like what you are thinking. But understand that is totally not as easy as looks because it's complicated. Complicated from theology, doctrines, history, and of course, political reasons.  It's also biased on what's your church background. I'm Eastern Orthodox with being Orthodox thing only. So, I'm here to write on what is my church background from views, theology, history, and opinions. I would however say that's okay if you oppose my writing as I am not going to have to ask your consent, isn't it? In pre–Great Schism, the Roman Catholic revoked the marriage policy on it

Questions and Suggestions About Orthodox Christian

Source: Russia Beyond Are you really curious about the Orthodox Christianity? Yeah, that's a great stuff! I merely understand that in fact you are grown up with western-core Christianity which is dominated by Roman Catholic and Protestant. So, the Orthodox seems may be really strange to you - which is another Christianity branch unheard and invisible. That leads to misleading about the Orthodox Christian which isn't from our source. Overall, Christians are about to follow Jesus Christ. Simply as who we are and what we believe in. Orthodox is a teaching that draws us to follow Him in His direct teachings that were continued by His Apostles in the first century. We want to try as best as possible to take a bunch of questions that we could explain entirely to you. So, let's go! Does Orthodox have seven sacraments? Yes, we have. We are closer to Roman Catholic which recognises the seven sacraments and as well as the seven councils, except the Oriental Orthodox only recognises t

Orthodoxy Eastern in Midst of Western Core

Greek Orthodox Church, source: Unsplash Nobody, number of, knows what is Orthodox, which causes misconceptions about it. Orthodox is where are from the East and only have 12% of the world's population-based Pew Research Center. Russia and Greece are the countries that have around 70% of the Orthodox Christian population. The Orthodox has two, Oriental and Eastern, but we are one Orthodox Christian.  We follow what is said in the Bible and Christ's Apostles which has been in 2.000 ago and never changed, everything, but the Orthodox values free will. You don't have to go to be baptized into Orthodoxy if you don't believe either. It depends on what you are. Orthodox-becoming of, only someone who believes in the truth of Christianity, it is not just believed in Jesus Christ. You can believe Jesus Christ because you are Christian, but Orthodox is different and this is about how we honour, pray, and do anything for Jesus Christ directly from His apostles who were in His comma

Christ Faith

Source: Seedbed On today, 31st October 1517, a former Roman Catholic priest, Martin Luther left his 95 theses on the door of the Catholic church in Wittenberg, Germany. It led to sparkly "great chaos" in Western Christianity. Indulgence was the main of the biggest that Martin Luther believed that the Roman Catholic church to reform. He was a priest and saw what was Roman Catholic inside and created his famous 95 theses. He was initially to have a discussion with a pope, Pope Leon X, but the pope, unfortunately, had no time to hold a discussion with him and picked to arrest and punish him and his followers, in which the Roman Catholic church still supported the death penalty at that time, instead of forgiveness. Even though Martin Luther didn't really want to split and build his own church, he forcibly had to do as he thought it was the best for him and his followers as following his close theologians died by the death penalty and got caught by Roman troops. So, it was whe