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Reunification of Church - Possibility?

Source: Smelly Sheep

We know that in fact, we have attended in the split and different churches for decades - where we attend Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox churches, even heretical churches. I know someone will ask a crucial question, is "Why don't just one united church?"

Yes, we do it the same! We do not want to split. We want to attend in just one united church like what you are thinking. But understand that is totally not as easy as looks because it's complicated. Complicated from theology, doctrines, history, and of course, political reasons. 

It's also biased on what's your church background. I'm Eastern Orthodox with being Orthodox thing only. So, I'm here to write on what is my church background from views, theology, history, and opinions. I would however say that's okay if you oppose my writing as I am not going to have to ask your consent, isn't it?

In pre–Great Schism, the Roman Catholic revoked the marriage policy on its priests in 1120AD. That led by giving out that we realise that we are different, and we are no longer one church. Interestingly, the Roman Catholic allowed priests to marry before that! I do not know why they have decided to revoke their marriage policy on its priests. By far as we know they are following St. Paul who was celibacy in the Book of Corinthians. They also didn't have a pope until 1054 AD as he was considered a bishop of Rome. But I have no idea, again, about where was from when they suddenly claimed St. Peter as the pope of earth exception of theologically - incompatible and unrecognisable. Come on, by consistent as they claim that interestingly in fact being knowledge that St. Petrus was married and had a wife! In a sense of belonging on what they claim, they should have been consistent by following St. Peter, by letters, apostolic, teachings, and how he did. It means Roman Catholic priests should have been allowed to marry! 

Sadly, both - the bishops of Rome and Constantinople had been excommunicated until the Second Vatican Council. Despite this, they recognised the seven councils during that time.

And, again, how it is possible to reunify of church? Yes, it's a possibility as we always pray for that in years! But I DO NOT THINK if others give sacrifice for that. Byzantium Eastern Catholics have been reunited and accepted the Pope of Rome as their leader, they claim themselves as Orthodox. 

Unfortunately, that's a huge mistake! The papacy supremacy opposed the traditions where the Apostles led in worldwide ministry that concentrated on the five oldest churches at that time - Jerusalem, Alexandria, Constantinople, Rome, and Antioch. More local churches are recognised as the oldest churches because it was founded directly by the Apostles. The five churches were considered equal bishops and patriarchs before Rome split and appointed themselves as the pope of earth. Consequently, we currently only have four patriarchs still alive on this earth. So, I do not think Pope Francis is willing to be just a bishop of Rome equal to patriarchs. Is he willing? I doubt that because Roman Catholic is the world's most influential church. Everyone knows who the pope is, but they do not know who the patriarch of Constantinople is. So, how do you think that is possible to happen? 

The patriarch of Constantinople is considered "primus inter pares" first among equals, but he doesn't have the right to talk on God's behalf and is still bishop equal among to other patriarchs. However, he has authorisation on certain cases in it. He cannot interfere in the patriarch's region, like allowing him to choose a patriarch who supports him. The Orthodox seem to be considered "equal government" as it doesn't as Roman Catholic is a centralised government. So, we have patriarchs of Moscow, Jerusalem, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, etc are equal to each other. There is no higher as there is no lower. We are the same Eastern Orthodox, but we are just different from jurisdictions and languages. That's the only thing that how we identify where is a canonical church based on directly Apostle's teachings in years since the first century. 

Christian - among only one Christian with two rites, cultures, languages, and traditions which were West and East. West was Latin and East was Greek. Still, different languages and rites at local churches were under Christ's Apostle teachings, like India, Cyprus, and Ethiopia. When Russia otherwise had been allowed to speak Slavic or Russian language since Vladimir I was baptized into Orthodoxy. Russia was the only Orthodox nation to speak their own language meanwhile other Orthodox nations were Greek and under the Byzantium empire. 

So, how about the reunification of a church? We pray about that! But I do not think others give sacrifice. If they would, they should do things here:

  1. Back to multi patriarchates. It means there is no papacy supremacy concept, including the cardinals being bishops. 
  2. Unify in doctrines, theology, teachings, and studies. It means there is no filioque, purgatory, or some other doctrines with which the Orthodox disagreed.
  3. Solidarity in Christ's teachings back in the first century and opposition the modernism, progressive, and reformation, such as charismatic worship, Pentecostalism, etc.
  4. Staying conservative to keep the true Christ teachings. That means there are no more councils to adjust the modernism, progressive, and globalisation.
  5. In communion with different patriarchates, no matter what a rite is, or a jurisdiction is.
We also pray for Protestants to return to original Christians once we are united again. Protestants split from the Roman Catholic church, which is definitely sad. And also, Catholicism was colonialism over the entire world which was forcibly conversion into Catholicism from local religions in colonised nations, like Canada, Mexico, and Latin America. As current Roman Catholic church learned from its past mistakes, but they adapted the progressive, modernism, and globalisation, which is getting disappointing, and it is going potentially to be "self-abusive" due to.

It's contrary to how Orthodox did in years ago. They survived to life and believed in Christ forever despite being under Ottoman and Communists. Orthodox has no councils to adjust the modernism because they do not need it, and they just keep its liturgy, teachings, and theology despite still allowing a few things as long as it's not opposed to itself. That's why we have no music contemporary and charismatic worship. 

There are things that only we think about the reunification of the church, instead of what the Roman Catholic church wants is to just submit to the Pope. We admit a pope of Rome, but he is just a bishop of Rome equal to each other. He is also a patriarch of Rome. So, we are unable to submit him as a leader of the earthly church. The leader of the earth is Jesus Christ himself and will be forever until His second coming. We love them, whether is Roman Catholicism or Protestants as we are Christians who believe in the Lord of Jesus Christ. 

God bless! Orthodox forever! 


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