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Controversial Performance at the Olympics Opening Ceremony

Last Supper, source: Artchi

The Paris Olympics got hit a different whole idea which is usually taken held traditionally at a national stadium - Paris chose to boat instead a long walking and performed beyond nonsense that they performed "satanic, promoting the LGBTQ, and destroying the Last Supper". That would caused an international angry which is considered mocking Christianity faith. The Last Supper is popularity whom, an Italian painter, Leonard da Vinci. He made the Last Supper in 1495-1498. The Last Supper is dedicated to the last day of Jesus Christ where He put His blood and body to the twelve disciples before Judas eventually cheated. Jesus Christ, then crucified and rose at the day three - that Jesus had fulfilled His prophecy. I remember when I studied at a Catholic school, I always saw the Last Supper at dining room or reception room. A Catholic teacher said that was the last night where Jesus met His disciples before he was being arrested, tortured, crucified, and died on the cross, then later day three he was rose, appeared, and went to Heaven at the fortieth day. However, it was just an imagination because there is no clear description in the Bible or Fathers Church, the possibility is the dining table designed circular or something Jewish tradition at the home, we do not know.   

Then, how's Christians feeling about that controversial performance?

Actually, it hasn't been recently, though, it has been prophecy in the scripture that Jesus said that the world will hate Him. Christianity is about 2.000 years still keep alive, even though we have learned the history, where Christians were martyr for its faith during the mass persecution. The popular history is Emperor Nero who massacred thousands of Christians, including St. Paul. Yet, thing to another Christians battled fellow Christians, like the Sack of Constantinople (Orthodox and Catholics), Church Reformation (Protestant and Catholic), and World War II (Serbian Orthodox and Catholic). Christianity has been got an attack by inside and outside until today, but still alive until today. In the same events at the same time, the same time that has been proved that Christianity stands up as that because God's work is mysterious - nobody knows about that unless if they highly held in firm to God's work.

So, we aren't feeling as like people feel upset at that, but we know! We do not need to do something, like we should defend our faith, but we understand that France is a secular country that has been practiced since the French Revolution in 1789. The secular country promotes the separation of state (country) and church (religion) in the government and society - that the government will never interfere or benefit the religion as a tool of power and justification. The secular country is also part of democracy government concept. Not just in France, there are a few countries who adopted the secularism concept in the governing rule is the United States and Turkey. So, that's which consequence that we live in a secular country. You want to protest? I don't think that's worked because there's no religion blasphemy laws like in Indonesia. Civilians are freed to express their thinking and opinion about religion. We are going to have to respect their opinions. 

So, we will pray and forgive because that's only thing that we can do it as God's commandment accordingly. Jesus commands us to pray and forgive enemies who persecute you, like you have to give left cheek for the right cheek. Jesus never commands us, by blood for blood. Interestingly, St. Peter denied him for fourth time, at that time Jesus was arrested and tortured. When they said to him, "You also are not one of his disciple, are you?" He denied, "No, I am not." then escaping and leaving Jesus alone. St. Peter was a coward but he became martyr with upside cross because he didn't feel that was worthy like Jesus who died on the cross. Until today, the upside cross is frequently used as symbol of satanic. So, we could be weak and coward because we didn't react angry or condemn in the controversial performance, but we weren't because we know that we should pray and forgive them for they do not know what they are doing. Forgiveness is such an important act, instead of by blood for blood for the sake of faith defense. 

That's something seem considering nonsense or impossible as many people think and many people think we should revenge for that, but that's something the faith that we have to. If a Christian who chooses to revenge for its faith, I would say that he doesn't understand overall is what Jesus has commanded. He shall forgive and pray for them. No coercive act that we should have, that we could have, though however it's remained opposite in the scripture. Doing an impossible act is way better than doing a possibly act which is considered potentially destroying the Christianity, itself in such that - nobody knows that - really potential at that some point. At least we still go to a church, read the Bible, and pray as usual, so we are fine.

So, the performance is just basically an art, like people performing at the theatre or concert. An art has different views based on the audiences. So, it couldn't be in just one view. I primarily like to watching the 2012 Olympics in London because I love Mr. Bean playing piano and oh yes, James Bond became bodyguard for the Queen Elizabeth II, even doing really insane which they landing down with skydiving from the helicopter where she formally kicked off the Olympics opening ceremony at London Stadium. The 2012 Olympics is the best Olympics ever I've watched despite the Olympics is occasionally be rarely contender to my favourite to watch, unless the individual sports that I would watch for. I prefer to watching the World Cup, for basketball and football. 

Let's pray and forgive them. Cheer on your country who competing in the Games. I hope your country will win a medal, whether it's gold, silver, or bronze. Good luck! Let the games begin!


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