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Misconception About Being a Christian

Source: Unsplash

"Don't judge a book by its cover" is a famous quote that is the most heard. 

When you watched any sporting events, you would see how to score a touchdown at football, a goal at soccer, a homerun at baseball, two/ three points at basketball, and more. If you are a sports lover, you know how a team builds to be a champion by winning the regular season (having the best record) and postseason (winning hard in high pressure during the playoffs series). I love football and basketball so much because those sports are beautiful in the world and spend watching the NFL, NBA, WNBA, FIBA, NCAA, college football, and college basketball. I do know how Kansas City Chiefs became the world champions at the LIV Superbowl and made the state of Missouri has won two rings and how the Toronto Raptors were wild-winning by buzzer-beaten at Game 7 against the Philadelphia 76ers, then became the first time, the Canadian club won the world champions in NBA history. I know that's not the point, but you should have known how a book does not deserve to be judged if you just see its cover. Kansas City Chiefs have 4 losses by 12-4 record before winning the Superbowl and Toronto Raptors have 24 losses by 58-24 record and 8 losses by 16-8 record during the playoffs series before winning the NBA championship. They have losses before winning the championship. 

Many people often think these misconceptions about being a Christian:
1. Life is perfect and better.
2. You look chill out because you just attend on Sundays.
3. You can dress up as you want and even women can dress up shortly.
4. You just sing the Christian music, not worshipping.
5. The Bible is easy to be reading.
6. Christianity is colonialism and forces people to convert to Christianity.
7. Christianity is a western product.
8. A church just opens every Sunday.

Then, how about my response? Well, these are wrong! You exactly should haven't done that. I know many people often think this misconception about being a Christian since they aren't Christian and are influenced by media, environment, and maybe education. 

Sometimes, I have to admit some points are right, especially the number 8 because of European colonialism in Asia, America, and Africa in the past years. But I deny about "Christianity forces people to convert to Christianity" because we never do like that, and we just share the gospel and show their love to people we meet. Sharing the gospel doesn't mean you convert to Christianity but it's a way how we live as Christian. John 15: 12-13 has commanded that we love each other as He has loved you. Converting to Christianity or another religion is a private business with God, not us because of their right to choose any religion they want and experience. This is about freedom of religion. 

A church is actually open every day! A church isn't just the building but about to minister to each other that we meet. A church is still open every day for daily activities like if you want to pray at the church and just come there not just every Sunday. We also have Bible study, dividing up some classes, such as adults, kids, and youth, Sunday school, praying, etc. Pastors always are there to work so you can meet with them at the church if you want to discuss, consult, have an appointment, and have some questions. It's free!

Like what I have written about suffering. 2 Timothy 3: 12, a fact if you want to live godly Christ and you will be persecuted. It means Christians must be suffering to believe in God's timing and God's promise, in Jeremiah 29:11, Philippians 4: 6, and Exodus 14: 14. Some verses are going to say that every Christian definitely must be suffering for the glory of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ said, take up the cross and follow me in Matthew 16: 24. So, our life isn't perfect, but we are going to be better to get through. 

Number 3, I super agree with dressing up. However, it depends on where the church you worship is. Every church has its system and tradition. I would like to dress up as I want to, and I hate being too formal hehe. I never see a woman dresses up too sexy as you said. If a woman puts God in her life, she will dress up as politely as she wants. That's as often as I see my girls' friends. That's my type and I hope I do have a woman who loves and fears in Him. 

Christianity wasn't born in Europe and Jesus was born and died in Asia (Nazareth and Bethlehem), despite Europe being the trailblazer of Christianity's growth in the world. America also has a big role in Christianity's growth in the world as reminding America's superpower's foreign political and technology influencers. A charismatic church came from the United States and was established in Van Nuys, California, in 1960 (source: Charismatic | Theopedia), then spreading across America and outside of the States. So, if you want to be eastern things, you should go to the Middle East where they have a Christian Arabic community and is still a foundation since the oldest church was established. Just like Islam and Jewish, the Middle East is the center of Christianity's birth and where Jesus was alive and raised. So, Christianity isn't a western product and came from the eastern just like Islam and Jewish.

Western culture isn't all of bad looking as usual as you have seen. Just like the eastern culture also has bad looking. Western culture is about free sex (hook-up), alcohol, partying, etc. THIS is NOT CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLE! We as Christian would not go to Netflix and chill and it means to go on hooking up. We as Christian should keep our holy before getting married and uniting as one flesh by Him. Western culture is good about having critical thinking, respecting human rights, and living freedom. It depends on the individual. Western and eastern cultures are good for life principles. 

Reading the Bible will be never easy because reading the Bible is different from other books, like novels, history, news, magazine, etc. Reading the Bible needs to be committed and consistent. Reading the Bible is your time to learn with Him. You are familiar with Bible journaling, aren't you? Bible journaling is about writing, reading, learning, and getting something, you might haven't surprised. It's by and from God's teachings. Personally, I love reading, writing, and attending Bible study. And one thing I want to remind you is if you are finished reading the Bible and do not forget to share the gospel with your friends and family because it's part of God's command to us as His disciples to share the gospel (2 Timothy 4: 2 and Matthew 28: 19-20). You do not need to write the explanation and just share the verse. 

We pray, listen to a sermon, and praise the name of Jesus Christ at the church. The most favorite things when I attend church are serving as a service team staff, listening to a sermon, meeting my favorite pastors and friends, and singing Christian music. I would like to join the service twice a day! A church is my place to pray, grow up my faith, learn, express, and get closer to Him. I feel most comfortable spending in the church than in any place. 

By writing down and making clear the misconception of being a Christian. A Christian is just as human as other religions, but we have love, rejoice, and forgiveness teachings. We are Christian to believe in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior and the Bible as life guidance. 

I wish everyone will not think the same about being a Christian and everyone is welcome to learn about Christianity if you have a question about it. 

Thanks, for reading!


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