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God and Science

Source: Unsplash

That perhaps becoming a sensitive topic, but I have to! I remember when I attended a virtual discussion with two LDS (Latter-day Saints) missionaries on Zoom. We were almost stuck at a time zone difference. They were from California, starting at 06.00 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time includes Washington state, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, and Northern Idaho). They were hearing fluent in ASL/ American Sign Language. So, we discussed in-depth about religion and science. They believe as it is related, some, apparently saying differently, usually, atheists and agnostics who doubt God's presence. 

In the book of Genesis, you witness how God created the world. God took a rest on the seventh day and became in order in worshipping every Sabbath in Genesis 1: 2-3 and Deuteronomy 5: 12. God made a woman who becomes helper with Adam because He trusted that a man should not be alone, so God made him sleep and took one of his ribs then made into a woman then becomes one flesh in Genesis 2: 18-24. God made the world in His own image in Genesis 1: 27. There are still many verses showing God is a masterpiece and God's creation in scientific proof, a verse that addresses God is a masterpiece and for good works in Ephesians 2: 10. You just need to learn more and deeply. Don't forget to pray before learning it as God will help you easier if you give it all with open hearts. 

Science is wonderful! God encourages you to learn science, so you'll be able knowing how God created the world and how it came up, how happened. You don't need to believe in science, but you need to balance both as well as easier understanding. God created for good works; science has proved. God created for His excuses; science has proven for an excuse. "God made creation in own image", addressing God made the world and plans in his own image. His imagination unmatched human imagination, no one knows His imagination. 

Science and God are balanced and related, working together. However, I highly recommend that you necessarily learn the Bible first before start learning science because where is the first you need to know and feel God's presence. It will make you feel faithful to God and blessed every learning science. But one thing I want to remind is praying.

Praying is a tool for guiding you. You pray and God will hear. You learn, and God will help you. You feel weak and God will strengthen you. You want to surrender, and God will fight for you. So, praying is powerful and helps you to learn science and Bible easier. 

That's not about proving but it's about the truth. Human nature's looking for the truth. That's why you need to pray before taking it further since you need the truth. Neither proving which is wrong nor which is right but looking for the truth. Truth only can answer everything you have been looking for. 

Start praying before taking it further.

Don't forget to pray

Praying is every day and every time

Feeling God's presence


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