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What Do You Agree About A Christian Nation?

Source: Premium Time Nigeria

A Christian nation is determined to be a Christ-centered country that points to the Bible as a law. Bible can be a law because there are laws to arrange society life who put in faith and follow what the Bible says. That's the concept that we meant of a Christian nation. 

In history, the country that had have ever been Christian nations, like Roman and Armenia. Unfortunately, I don't know so much about them. I need to learn. So, we will discuss what you agree about a Christian nation. 

As a Christian who lives in the largest Muslim country in the world, I would like to see a Christian president elected to lead the country, but I wrote it a few days ago. I don't concern about who the leader is because this is out of the box and shouldn't be talked about. As what I wrote as I disagree about a Christian nation because we live in the world, a place consisting of different religions. Anybody who has the right to be a leader, shall not be infringed upon. 

In the United States we shout out, a 2021 survey's Pew Research says, a 70% of Americans claimed to be Christian and meaning, I guess, 40% of American teens regularly attend church on Sunday and pray every day, anywhere in. Which a survey's American teens based on those raised by Christian families. In the entertainment industry, many movies and serials minister the gospel, based on real stories, and testimony, like Do You Believe, God's Not Dead: A Light in the Darkness, Miracles from Heaven, and I'm Not Ashamed. In a result, do you think America can mention itself as a Christian nation? No, America doesn't seem. Thomas Jefferson addressed at the letter addressing the concept of separation of church and state in his 1802 letter to Danbury Baptist Association, Connecticut. "When the American people adopted the establishment clause, they built a wall of separation between the church and state.” in his 1802 letter reported at Connecticut. In the first amendment in the United States Constitution, addressing "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." So, it means no one religion who admitted by the government, and the Constitution is about how America is arranged to be a neutral country that puts in freedom and human rights and cares American people's representatives. I don't know how it affects in the American society life because I'm not American. But, I watched the movie talking about that. I was just touched by how they struggle for faith and minister the gospel in America in the view of the movie I watched. I'm sure conservatives want to evangelize the gospel into the government and public services but are opposed by many people due to Jefferson's state concept. 

A Christian nation, a word that I never think. Just, like an Islamic country, I strongly disagree because we live in the world, what a place you raise and live in. We have to respect someone who isn't a Christian and wants to lead the country. A place, they (aren't) Christian, to lead consists of a Christian-majority population, we support and are okay with.

Although, we are required to pray for them, to need salvation, and lead better. Praying is so powerful. That's why we believe how powerful praying is. 

We don't need a Christian country as we just need Jesus Christ as our leader and president. He is my president. He is the best leader ever and has the greatest plans for the country and human life. Trust God's plans! We do not need a Christian country and we need Jesus Christ. He is the only, enough. 


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