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Can Deaf Pastors Lead in A Hearing Church Community?

Source: Unsplash

I have researched "Can Women Be a Pastor?" based on the Bible, but I can't go to respond it because I need more and discuss it with pastors, Christians, and anyone who puts biblical life. I think we can lead and minister the gospel regardless of what is gender and language in Galatians 3: 28. I don't want to take it further about addressing women shouldn't be a pastor and choose to address about Deaf can be a pastor and lead in a hearing church community. 

Pastor, a leader of the church-- teaching, encouraging, and responsible in ministering the gospel between in-community and out-community. A pastor cannot claim to be a teacher because God is the only teacher in John 13: 13, but technically, a pastor is a teacher, and a pastor leads the church and community. A pastor works for the ministry in Ephesians 4: 11-12. Generally, we have a role to grow up ourselves as we are as Son of God in Galatians 3: 26, whether a pastor or isn't. 

I am fascinated by the Grove Church Community on YouTube, and it has a Deaf ministry led by a Deaf pastor. That a Deaf pastor leads fellow Deaf people in a church. I know all churches have been dominated by hearing pastors, including my church has a lead pastor and pastors who are hearing people. Then, a question that may you feel confused about how a Deaf pastor leads in a hearing church community. See Exodus 4: 10-17, Moses was one who couldn't speak well, and God sent Aaron, his brother of the Levite to accompany him on his mission. The answer is a sign language interpreter. Deaf pastors can lead in a hearing church community by and from sign language interpreters. As long as Deaf people have eligible and graduated from the theology program at college, they can be pastors and lead the church, whether that is a Deaf community or a hearing community. We can work together and be made to one another that He uses as dependency isn't a bad thing. I think that shouldn't be a problem. I find some Deaf pastors who work and lead the church and community and even one of the pastors wrote and published a book titled "Heart Language" by Randy Dignan. I want to meet with Deaf pastors and listen to their testimony about how to be a pastor.

Assuming someone is claimed to be a pastor, an evangelist, a bishop, a deacon, a youth pastor, and a co-pastor, I would refer to be a servant of Christ in Galatians 1: 10, since I'm chosen to be a servant of Christ to please God by ministering the gospel and making people know who Jesus Christ is. That's our responsibility to become Christians who believe in and follow Him. Ministering the gospel shouldn't be just pastors and starting big things, but we can start little things. Everyone can be a pastor, aren't important but the most important is to minister to people who do not know who Jesus Christ is, we have roles of going on the same mission. 

The main thing is to follow the Bible and put biblical life and we may not follow the church or the denomination. So, it means we as Deaf can lead in a hearing church community and no one verse disallows us to lead in a hearing church community, as long as we graduated from a theology program at college and are eligible to become a pastor allowed to lead the church. 

God bless you!


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