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A Church is The Growth Place

Source: Unsplash

I am so grateful to have a faith community in which the community encourages you to know Jesus through this community. I spent a deeper discussion with my best friend. I'm a Christian, have a relationship with Jesus, and growing into a church traveler. I attended multiple churches before becoming permanently in English Worship, a charismatic church. I spent at least six churches, including a Catholic church. I attended a Lutheran-Calvinist church, a Baptist church), a Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints. and a Pentecostal church, and permanently, English Worship (GSJA, Assemblies of God Church). A church is called gereja in Indonesian.

What is a church? Is it a building?

As so I am, to think, a church isn't a building. We are going to see how Antioch people react with thousands of followers of Christ praising the name of Christ with Paul and Barnabas in Acts 11: 26 so being called Christians, why Antioch people called them Christians? Because they saw there was an "association" in their city. If there are only two Christians who believe in God, they also are being called church. A church doesn't count by how much attendance, but by how to prayer and worship they are.

The main question is, why becomes a church a building? It's social needs, the privacy reasons. We are going to see the twelve Christ build a church, meanwhile, Jesus has never built a church, but He has promised to the Apostle Peter in Matthew 16: 18, as promised himself, "I will build my church.". A church was established because the Apostle Christ know there were privacy reasons and by that time it had gotten a rapid number of the population to become Christians, by reaching out to thousands of people who believe in Jesus' salvation and, still more! Too many! terlalu banyak, which we've usually heard of in Indonesia. So, a church is established by filled out and held by thousands of people who want to pray and know God. 

The growth place isn't just a place, it can be everywhere.

Rationally, everyone wants to be better growth and mature. It matures by multiple kinds of. We heard Nathan preached some weeks ago. He mentioned that a community that doesn't know God is dangerous. And, recently on Sunday service, Pastor Mike preached that we are on a mission because we need Jesus and people need to get to know Jesus. 

And, again, we need Jesus, which means we need to better growth in our faith mission and spiritual journey. Experiencing the Holy Spirit leads by your right pathway and listening to God's word are part of how your growth progress. 

I have a story about Judas Iscariot, the person that might you know. Let's read Matthew 26: 14-16. Judas agrees to betray Jesus for what? Yes, thirty pieces of silver. Judas had been part of the twelve Christ but, why he left and agrees to betray Jesus? I don't try you to think more but reflect on why he left and agrees to betray Jesus. 

As children of God, the first move is to follow Jesus, the best ever, as many of you know, but we know someone can't win the lust and temptation, although they want to commit to Jesus. So, why they can't win the lust and temptation? Because it's not growing as themselves, but commitment follows the growth. Let the flow commitment because it will follow the growth. 

We can worship at different churches, it's normal because everywhere can help you to grow in your faith but the commitment isn't easy. I don't count if you are a member of a non-denominational or a member of the Lutheran church, an Orthodox, etc., as long as your faith that feeling better, it's okay. Leaving the community God-centered isn't good because lust and temptation will win over you and evil is trying to ruin your joy.

Making more commitment means good growth.

We are looking back to when we are still a child, and we could see how our parents had the commitment to raise us in there any way they could. So, the commitment is following your life growth. We are going to discuss what means "rich in God" in James 1: 9-11. That doesn't mean you are to be poor in devoting God, but the faith becomes rich in devotion to God. Semakin baik, getting nice. More commitment, it's rich in faithfulness. 

Rich in God doesn't relate to money but how devotion you work out. Maybe, you can start daily praying and reading the Bible, then practicing the Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5: 22-23). Being rich in God has potentially misleading if you don't lead by the Spirit. So, being rich in God that, really, puts devotion habits in your life which your life is led by the Spirit and trusting to God. 

We can start from zero first, mulai 0 lagi dulu, because it's what we can see how growth works. We shouldn't be supposed to start from huge because it seems impossible. Let nature and flow work themselves because it will follow your growth. 

So, I don't care where you are from, the church, the community, the workplace, and wherever, as long as your faith can grow better, and you deserve to get and have it. Follow your Holy Spirit and let the commitment works out. Start from zero first.

Growing your faith better and choosing where is your place can help you lead in real devotion to God and win the lust and temptation. 


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