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Are You a Conservative Christian?

Source: Unsplash

A woman who wasn't a Christian critiqued my personality in that she seemed different from the Christians she met. She asked, "Why you are so closed-minded, orang Kristen garis keras? You aren't a Christian I know? Look at these Christians who have open-minded?"

Well, I told her that I'm not the same as the Christians whom she thought because we are different. I wasn't going to have to do the same. Comparison is a trap. Everyone has different because of life experiences and principles. When someone who is a Christian supports LGBTQ and same-sex marriage because she believes no one said the Bible bans these things that she cheers for. Therefore, another Christian that really super disagrees about LGBTQ and same-sex marriage because the Bible bans it, but whether someone is just being neutral. So, I value their opinions. They aren't going to have in what I believe and think. As simple as I love football, great at playing football, but if my friend dislikes football and isn't great at playing football, that's okay and we can build up together and respectfully. And even, though I'm a Chiefs fan and he is a Cowboys fan, we are still fine.

Wasn't I sad when I was considered to be a conservative Christian or a closed-minded Christian? No, I am proud to be who truly I am. But I kind of more with other communities, like atheists, LGBTQ, non-Christians, etc. The Bible is the reason why going to think about what I am supposed to be. I only follow what the Bible says. 

To become a Christian who commits following Jesus, you are supposed to do:

Set apart the world.

In 1 John 2: 15 ESV, clear:

"Do not love the world or the things in the world, "If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." 1 John 2: 15 ESV.

Verse 17 says that: "the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever the will of God abides forever." In some English translations of the term "abides" in English Standard Version, the King James Version of "abideth" and the New International Version of "lives forever". Living forever to abide by God, means, all represented whether the translated versions.

The world, a place of lust and temptation. That is why Christians need to be the only follow what the Bible says by the Spirit and God's pathway. We know that living in a world where we are supposed to live equally, therefore equality depends on what the Bible says, like in the case of the long controversial debate, "Roe v Wade", the abortion law. Exactly, this is tough, and it will, I believe but by the Spirit guiding, you are going to know what you are feeling and thinking.

Please God more than win the approval of people.

Win the approval of people might be you feel happy because you can make people feel happy but sometimes you won't. As committed following Jesus, it's the truth to be told, but sometimes people are unhappy with you. We are going to reflect on Galatians 1: 10:

"For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1: 10.

The letter of Paul when the Apostle Paul speaks in front of Gentiles, the approval which to please with. The Apostle Paul didn't try to force but to ask a question and he adds what he meant, "servant of Christ." He means the approval which leads him to be a servant of Christ. Paul is asking, which to please the approval of men and to please God, would be being a servant of Christ? It's turn up to you.

Doing all for God as God doing all for you.

God has shared everything for you because He loves you. Multiple verses about reciprocal, such as John 15: 12, 1 Thessalonians 5: 11, and Matthew 6: 14-15. This is a commandment because He is doing all for you. This is called reciprocal. We are seeing the power of Matthew 6: 14-15 about forgiveness. You are required to forgive each other because God asks you to forgive, and He has forgiven your sins.

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." Matthew 6: 14-16 ESV.

What means of "trespasses"? The NIV and NLT (New Living Translation) mention "your sins". Again, this is forgiveness. What do you think about it? Do you agree with the hint "doing all for God as God doing all for you"?

I have friends who are Christian, but they are progressive, I value them and still be friends, and sometimes I pray for them to get back to biblical, whatever they think about. So dangerous if you are listening to a pastor who doesn't lead you to be a servant of Christ and live in real devotion. Pastors can be making mistakes and mislead the Bible. So, we are supposed to pray for our pastors, so they are able to lead us to be living in real devotion and remain biblically. 

Instead of being judged and reminding each other which is true of whatever it is, we are about to pray and encourage each other in leading Christ and devout, as living on missions and biblical. We know it's going to be an upsetting debate, but we aren't supposed to come by debating but praying and valuing their opinions. Jesus never spends with the debate, but He spends to address salvation and truth. This is a way of communication and relationship. We know we aren't the same, whether conservative, neutral or progressive. That really doesn't important and what matters is to remain biblically. That's all, of that I wanted to say. Living biblically is our goal as Christians who commit to follow Jesus. 

Doing all, setting apart the world, living biblically, and pleasing God. This is the option to be should follow and act as part of a commitment to follow Jesus. 

Regarding of who you are instead, I am going to want to invite you to be on the pathway which can lead you to be living biblically and devout in Christ Jesus. We are about to pray and lead you where you are supposed to be. 

Take a breath, ask yourself of being what you to do, and know yourself. May God guide you in the right way and remains living biblically. 


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