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Christianity is UNIQUE and LOGICAL

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I followed some Christian content posts on Instagram, read the posts, and routinely watched some videos about apologetics. It is in the conclusion of Christianity's view of interesting. I love them because I have a chance to read, learn, and research more critically and deeper, like I can't stop thinking about the Holy Spirit which I only hear my friends' testimony, read the Bible, and I always want to study in a theology program so I can access to learn more about the Holy Spirit. However, the Holy Spirit is still my favorite since joining Holy Spirit prayer in my church. Perhaps, I will write a journal and a book about that in the future.

In my belief and mind, there are 3 (only) that can be proven, such as theoretically, historically, and theologically. But surely, I admit personal experience that called testimony, but the percentage is different. Therefore, I am supposed to believe in the Spirit which I don't speak in tongues, or I don't have at all. We had a deeper discussion about that before he was back home in Germany. Back to testimony, this is real and can make me believe, but it's just personal and my friend moved to a Pentecostal church from the Baptist church where she was raised because she wants to feel the presence of God. It's her personal testimony and I appreciate her. I need "WHY" and "HOW". I love a long explanation that makes sense of the Spirit. 

However, I don't interest to be an apologist because my job is just to share the gospel by preaching, writing, leading a church, assisting a church community, and serving the Deaf Christian community. I believe quality is more important than quantity, which needs awareness about why I have to believe in Jesus Christ. 

Praise God, which we learn about 2 Timothy 3: 16, the Apostle Paul writes this because he knows Christianity is going to be analyzed, researched, and as a place of learning. If you are a college student, you have to get used to and look not familiar with that, that you are on skripsi/ thesis. This is how it is. Paul thinks it's so good and he doesn't mean this is bad. Paul writes an amount of 4 words; teaching, reproof, correction, and training, and then the last in verse 17, Paul says "may be complete, equipped for every good work." His goal is righteousness. That's why he doesn't afraid if someone no longer believes in Christianity. That's good for them because they find something that makes their curiosity, then pray for them. It has been part of Christianity history that scientists, atheists, non-Christians, Christians, and even anti-Christ people have been researching about. Why should Christians learn and research even though they believe in Jesus Christ? Yeah, they have to-- you think someone just says they believe Jesus and then gets baptized, is that enough to be a Christian? No, they still have to learn more, and it will be helpful to equip the with great work and devotion to Christ, as the mission is to remain biblical. 

Christianity is full of questions, and it means you have to be ready for that, such as

1. Why Jesus is God?

2. Why Bible has many translations?

3. Why Christianity has many denominations?

4. Why do Catholics worship Mary?

5. Why do you move to a Pentecostal church?


Are you ready? I ask the question for you. That's why Christians are supposed to learn, research, and analyze theology, apologetics, and more. I know many Christians are afraid of making mistakes or aren't ready but that's your responsibility. We are going to see in the book of Acts, where this book tells how the Apostles share the gospel across the world from Syria, Italy, to India. And, as well, as the Apostle who ended up in India and who was him? It was the Apostle Thomas. India wasn't Christianity but he would, and Indians believe in Jesus until the present, including my friends who are from India, and they are Christian, praise God. We believe there is "His power" in 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10. 

Praise God, we have many apologists, pastors, Christian influencers, and lecturers who regularly share the gospel in different ways on social media. That's nice to learn and research. I would like to discuss this and spend 5 hours with them! I hope so. 

I believe you can do it because you are really ready. Always be in the Holy Spirit and keep trusting God, relying on Him. Praying up. 


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