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The Crisis of Faith

Source: Unsplash

We are grateful that the world has been founded by different life experiences and religions so that we can connect to God. We have learned from last night when we were being held at XA Chi Alpha. We had a deeper discussion and shared our life experiences and opinions. That was so good. 

A crisis of faith is when someone loses their belief in God and becomes an atheist or agnostic. Experiencing the crisis of faith is interesting because we are blessed to have intelligent, critical thoughts that birth deeper belief. Everyone has a mind, behavior, and belief, which takes full responsibility and awareness. Everyone isn't childish because everyone has a choice. 

I disbelief in God but praise God, I am now a Christian and proudly a follower of Christ. It took almost 8 years and even after getting baptized, I left the church about two years since the pandemic has begun. I ended up joining English Worship and attending Sunday service routinely. It was a long journey. I never stop being grateful to Jesus Christ because His love brought and saved me and moved me to a healthy community where my faith has been growing up. 

We are going to learn about one of the twelve apostles who denied Jesus about three times and see in Matthew 26: 69-75. A servant girl who believes in Jesus, came up to Jesus and said, "This man was with Jesus of Nazareth." but Peter denied it in front them all, and said, "I don't know the man." it said three times next to Jesus Christ. We see how he didn't know who Jesus Christ is, it's sure related to his having a crisis of faith. So, that's not easy to be faith in God when you feel down and become an unbeliever of Him. We are going to look at what Jesus said when he was denied by Peter, Jesus said, "Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.", so Peter went out and wept bitterly. Why Peter wept bitterly? Because he saw and became a believer in Jesus. 

Luke chapter 21, clearly, looks at how the disciples believe and serve Jesus. We are going to start with Peter going fishing then they go with him. The verse 4-8, the great witness, by the question "It is the Lord!" when Jesus stood up on the shore and said, "Cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." How many fishes they caught it? 153 fishes! Jesus said, "Come and have breakfast.".

I want to be going to seek what approach should we do when we meet someone who has a crisis of faith. As I start off, the good communication is the main key to a successful relationship. Good communication is the kind of means, we see how supposed to be:

1. Pray in the spirit and faithfully.
2. Be a good listener without being the judge at all.
3. Find what the problem is.
4. Choose the theme in accordance with what someone wants. (Don't need to pick up the theme of religion but for every non-religious theme, you still can share Jesus!).
5. Keep in touch with them so they can feel connected.

We know as ordinary to share the gospel, but we see the quality than quantity. Be faithful not just say, I believe Jesus as God and Savior and learn about how Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus. Faith in quality means you consistently read the Bible, live biblically, pray in the spirit and loving, share the gospel, and critique as the goal to remain biblical (many churches don't live biblically!). 

In addition, the Proverbs teach you how the fraud of the way understanding in Proverbs 30: 6, as correlation to Proverbs 3: 5. Understanding the word of God in the spirit and be wise, don't lean on understanding yourself.

So, having a crisis of faith, it's not easy and we are going to learn about what Pastor Katie preached, about receiving, seeking, and connecting. God has shared everything with you, then you are seeking and connecting after receiving. I was about to think about what Pastor Katie shared and it was powerful preaching. And, we had a deeper discussion with my friends in the blue tribe. It was fun and awesome!

The tips I want to share:

1. Build a healthy connection with each other.
2. Become a good listener.
3. Don't make mistakes probably will make people feel hurt.
4. Be compassionate and love each other as we are loved and love.
5. Pray and surrender, then trust God.

I am going to pray for someone who has a crisis of faith so as to be able to restore and believe faithfully in God and live happily and be loved. God bless you!


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