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Celebrity Pastor Questionable Theologically and Church Traditions


I don't know if that ever happens in Indonesia. In America, we know the Hillsong church or megachurches and become a popular destination for the most famous celebs with roots in Hollywood. I don't blame them but celebrity pastors who I critique. I do affirmations for celebs who find better growth at that church, anywhere the church is. We see the scripture about idolatry in 1 Corinthians 1: 10-17.

In verse 17, Paul says that his job is not to baptize but preach the gospel. Paul also critiques how dangerous idolatry is, such as a question, do follow Paul, do follow Cephas, do follow Apollos, do follow Christ. A pastor supposed to be their job is just to preach the gospel and at only they can do it and lead a church. We learn again Galatians 1: 10, the which approval as we talking about. The twelve are preaching the gospel around the world and a thing that they would be is to follow Christ. Jesus comes to the world and the first job is to follow me. An invitation, as simple as Jesus does, follow me

Celebrity pastor isn't new, but it has been gone by, perhaps still so doing, and reaching the youth community. That's nice but a pastor doesn't need idolatry and a pastor preaches the gospel week to week, day to day, inviting unreached people to accept and follow Jesus. Someone who accepts Jesus isn't because of a pastor that he met but because God chose him. A pastor God sent is to preach and lead a church community. A pastor doesn't expect anything that he doesn't need to reward, despite the church paying them monthly and annually. 

In the Old Testament, Exodus 20: 3-4, as part of the Ten Commandments, shall not worship other gods before me,..... What does mean? At that time, many people worshipped a king who leads them, then they created a statue in dedication and love to the king that they worship. God sent the Ten Commandments, God has laid down the laws, disallowed to worship of other gods and a carved image. You can research Exodus, Deuteronomy, and Leviticus about this topic. 

I know some people who like pastors like me. I love Billy Graham, Martin Luther King, Hosanna Wong, Allen Parr, and David Lynn who are/ were pastors. I love how they work and serve God, mainly the gospel approach. I don't want to critique women who shouldn't be a pastor, but Hosanna Wong does a great job of preaching the gospel. Everyone has the right to work for God and invite unreached people who do not know Jesus. We live on missions. We will be and that's our job. I love the pastors at my church, they are friendly, humbled, and generous in serving and preaching the gospel. 

The pastoral ethics, the politics that are disallowed to be in the church community because it can be divided into pieces, happens in that place unnecessarily. A church needs positivity and can impact its life. We can't preach about the presidential election at Sunday services because a church isn't just the certain groups but is an open place to everyone who wants to worship God. Yes, we can discuss the presidential election its outside of church activities. The church is being neutral, it will be often. 

A church is a peaceful and safe community, which means a church won't interfere the politics, sending prayer instead. So, pastors should know their position as being an individual and a pastor. If John declares to support the A president but he can't preach about his choice of the president that he cheers for at Sunday service. If it happens, I will assume that is his personal choice only and his church doesn't support any president. 

Being a good role model will stronghold impact the church that they lead. Everyone needs a vibe when they worship. Pastors have good personalities and role models so they can make an impact at a church. A pastor is a messenger of God's voice, that is how way he works and tries to make an impact. We would pray for our pastors who preach week to week and day to day, can lead a church community better, and defend biblically at the church that they lead.

Our job is to minister the gospel, not baptize. That's what we have done since and will do for unreached people who do not know Jesus.  


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