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What's Like to be a Christian?

Source: Unsplash

Having been a Christian all my life, I felt just amazing and always grateful day to day. I am around the workplace, my home in Jogja, and a community that is majority Christian. They are helping me to grow and have a better personality by looking at the person who is alike Jesus. We live in the second largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia, but Indonesia isn't a Muslim country, and we are a Pancasila country that respects and guarantees the freedom of religion. Do you worry about the Christian people in Indonesia? No, we don't, and we are still fine despite being discrimination like the church establishment ban, persecution, etc. 

Well, there are the top five about what's like to be a Christian based on my experience. 

1. Love teachings

We are going to start with learning the highest Christianity laws. Love. John 15: 12, has been a real guide for Christians. Love each other, by who? God, your family, your friends, your enemies, your ex-wife/ husband, and your spouse, anything you are ordered to love. Love to love. It might be hard to follow when you have friends who you dislike or are hateful. But you have to. If you can't do it, I think it's okay because you are a human being. Remember, love is set up to free your will and your regretful feelings. Jesus has promised to free you with compassion and love. 

2. Forgiveness

Forgiveness has been part of love teachings. We are seeing Matthew 6: 15. Jesus died on the cross for your sins. Your sins are all truly having been forgiven because God has loved you. You can confess your sin by heart out, but why you can't forgive your friends who made mistakes or sins? Leave it all regretful, start to confess, and forgive your friends so you can be loved and encouraged by each other. You don't need to ask something since you don't need it. What your need is just to forgive and encourage each other. 

3. Self-defense

We know about apologetics. The basic is not to attack because it's against Christ's laws. To defend and pray for someone who doubts Christianity so they can get to know Jesus. We are learning what does means self-defense in 1 Peter 3: 15-16. Do you ever meet someone who mocks your belief in Jesus Christ, like Jesus isn't God, Bible is false, etc.? What should you do? You can only defend by telling the truth and respecting their opinions. If they don't want to hear more, that's okay and you don't need to be more since we are taught to love for whatever. We see in verses 15-16, clearly, the character that you should have when you are being mocked about your belief. Gentleness, respect, and having a good conscience. 

4. Take up the cross

Suffering has been the most written in the Bible, especially the Acts, Luke, and Matthew when the twelve of Christ and Jesus Christ have paid for sufferings. Jesus clearly, critically, and firmly stated in taking the cross to deny yourself then follow him in Matthew 16: 24-26. "Persecution", isn't something new, and the annual Christianity Today publicly in the list country dangerous to follow Jesus. You can see the website addresses the list country dangerous to follow Jesus. Pray up for them!

5. You are the hope of the world.

We see how the Apostles fulfilled the Great Commission to be light of the world in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Acts. We see how the Apostles Paulus, Silas, and Barnabas worship God with thousands of believers for about a year in Antioch and became being called Christians since they saw the light and the hope. Jesus was born to share the great joy in Luke 2: 1-11. You are Christian, that said being about talking the hope. Somebody sees you as a Christian, and they can see the hope that comes from you. Christianity is a great joy, hope, love, forgiveness, and faithfulness, which the world needs of them. Christianity comes to the world to be light of the hope. This hope still remains active and exists.   

And the top five talk about what's like to be a Christian but knowing that has been never going to be easy and we are a sense of human being only who have never been perfect. But we are always trying to be better Christians. We are grateful day to day for who are. That's a blessing and a special gift, we see salvation and love teachings. We aren't chosen by ourselves, but God chose us in John 15: 16. So, I'm so grateful and thankful to God. I'm glad to be around my current home, community, and workplace are all Christians. And I even, still rejoice when to be around those who aren't Christian since I'm the hope for them that might need the hope. God is so good.


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