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A Good Communication

Source: Unsplash

I graduated with a communication degree and spent a four-year communication bachelor's program. I learned and researched about communication. I have experience in a variety of communication ways and approaches. Communication has been always the main key in the relationship. Good communication means you have a good relationship. Isn't it?

How does Jesus' communication approach?

We are going to learn about Jesus' commandment in Matthew 27: 37-39 and 1 John 4: 7-12. The key is "love one another." What would you think after reading these verses? 

Jesus' approach is to love one another as His communication ways. Jesus is God, He is showing what kind of God's love is. Matthew 5: 44, has a powerful communication approach that He had in how Jesus treats the enemies. He knew that enemies will hate and persecute, but instead of revenge, He ordered His followers to pray and love the enemies. The twelve of Christ had learned about how communication approach that Jesus had shown. 

After Jesus went to Heaven, on the day of fifty, the Pentecost that happened to the twelve of Christ in Acts 2: 1-13 NIV, which is called the Holy Spirit, as part of His promises. This allows them the approach easier on the gospel minister more. We see in Galatians 5: 16-17, which is about "the spirit and desire of the flesh.", that can be a different explanation. I know that you don't know what is the difference and I will let you know better.

When I studied a communication major, we learned about the communication approaches to conflict solving. When you have a conflict someone that you dislike with. There are mediation, arbitration, adjudication, compromise, conciliation, coercion, and stalemate. You can pick which is preferred to use in conflict-solving. This depends on how the progress is. It can lead by the desire of the flesh--temptation and lust---and/ or led by the Spirit. Led by the Spirit will allow you to know what is better.

Sola Fedi takes on how individual faith.

Sola Fedi, the faith salvation only, is one of six solas in Protestant. We definitely have been listening to the testimonies addressed by someone who ended up getting baptized and believing in Jesus. Sometimes, they have to experience persecution for their faith. 

I can describe that sounds like Western parenting which usually going to let their children go for choosing and growing up in what they want to and take charge of the consequences. They expect children to grow mature and find something individually without their parents' dependability. That offers you to learn how individual faith that has related to communication. You need faith so you have good communication. By faith, you can control your communication approach. Faith in Jesus matters because He teaches you about this topic that we are going to discuss along. At the same time, you are needed to value people's opinions that might they won't believe in Jesus. The parents can't save their children but the parents consistently pray for their lovely children so the children can believe in Jesus as their parents do. Praying is part of communication. 

Sola Fedi doesn't look at you are a son of a pastor as Sola Fedi looks at how you believe and how your faith progress. I met a pastor who has a girl, but she isn't a Christian and converted to another religion, so well as we value her decisions despite her being a son of a pastor that I met. That led to remind me of John 15: 16, that God chose for you and you didn't choose. We can share the gospel as God's commandment but, again, we don't choose, even do not invite and we pray so they are rescued by the Lord. Everyone talks about Jesus but it views differently what we believe, we just need to correct and explain better so they would understand, but anyway, if he doesn't want to hear and this is okay. You do not need to continue and just stop and value them, except if he wants to hear more. 

Having good communication needs faithfulness and full-appreciated socio-culturally.

We know that each country has different socio-cultural views. In my culture was raised up, I'm encouraged to have the courage to have opinions despite I don't know anything. I remember when we had a meeting with Deaf friends. We were encouraged to have opinions. We didn't see there were mistakes but we just wanted to know what is a second opinion, third opinion, fourth, and more. We also encouraged them not to be fear of older people who probably have wrong opinions. "Kami setara, tidak usah takut", (we are equal, we aren't fear) a Deaf meeting leader reminded us of each other. I was like, aduuh, I should talk an opinion which is actually I don't know. Therefore, it made me learn the courage to have opinions and not fear making mistakes. 

Having good communication, which is Matthew 7, is super important that not judging and valuing. We need faithfulness to the Lord so we are able to manage before taking an action. We need to have full-appreciated which is getting used to saying hey, good morning, how's going on (kind of more casual) how are you, sorry, and thank you. In Indonesian usually we say terimakasih, permisi, dan sama-sama. We do not see how experience, age, salary, job, title, and whatever you have as a benchmark. The benchmark that (actual) is to respect and not judge.

I hope you are going to have good communication as part of living on missions. Jesus' communication approaches have shown what kind of God's love is, through how communication approaches. God's love needs to have good communication. That's what the point is. God bless you!


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