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Blind Belief

Source: Rotten Tomatoes

"Wait, you are a Christian, how can you believe in Jesus? Jesus isn't God."

That's the most frequent question, it might be people who think it's dumbness and nonsense if they love reality and something that makes sense that they can see in their eyes. That's just common because humans can see, feel, think, and express and they would want to see something that they can see, like a ghost which they can't see and won't believe. But, in fact, someone believes there is a ghost because she can hear the ghost's voice and moves. 

But, how about God? Is God really exist? Can you see God?

We see how delighted Thomas meeting Jesus and said, "My Lord and my God!", Jesus said, "You believe because you have seen me." continuing in John 20: 29. This is so amazing. It reminds me of watching a movie titled Paul, Apostle of Christ last night after the afternoon service at my church. Cassius was mad about the crimes of Emperor Nero. In Christianity history, Nero was the most responsible emperor who persecuted and killed thousands of Christians in the Romans Empire under Nero's governed. He blamed and accused Christians who taking responsible for the conflagration. Cassius wanted to revenge and take over the empire, but Luke reminded him, "Love is the only way." A woman said, "Jesus doesn't govern but Jesus wants us to gospel around the world." (if I still remember). I could understand how mad Cassius was because he couldn't bear to lose and watch Christians get killed for their faith. Cassius asked Aquila and Priscilla, "You never live with Christ. So as I am." Even though Luke and Paul were the Apostles of Christ who never live with Jesus in their life but they wanted them to keep believing in Jesus and salvation.

This was the best movie ever I watched. I could see that Christianity is a good religion about peace and compassion which the world needs. Having God's love is the main key for Christians who believe in Jesus Christ. 

Believe in Jesus isn't blind but the hope of salvation.

"Salvation" what means? We are born in a sinful generation, we need to live again with a new creation and a new way. We see in John 14: 6, Jesus said that He is the only salvation for your sins and the Father that actually you need. Job was the Bible person we want to discuss. His wife wanted him to curse God, but he rejected and still believe in God while he was suffering in Job 2: 9-10. Job got tough life but he still believed in God and knew God has meant nicely. 

People might think we are blind because we still believe in Jesus they say that Jesus isn't God. Well, we see Queen Helena, the first woman who discovered the true cross. Helena, later known as Flavia Julia Helena Augusta, was the mother of Constantine the Great. She became a Christian at 63 years old and was baptized, and she went to discover the cross with her troops. At that time, Jews hide Jesus' true cross with two crosses so Christians wouldn't find the cross. Nobody who known where the cross was. Helena finally discovered three crosses and tested the authenticity of the three crosses on a sick woman. and, what a miracle she witnessed! The true cross healed a sick woman. Then, she declared that the true cross was Jesus. She built a church nearby the location where she discovered the cross.

That is the history that probably makes you will know and discover an answer to why we still believe in Jesus. Maybe, you can say that we are blind because we still believe in Jesus and that's okay. We aren't trying to force or push you. You don't have to believe in Jesus instantly but you need to experience God. No one can get instantly journey, 

You need to experience God so you aren't going to undoubtedly about God.

Experiencing God is important to know, discover, and research who is the Lord. We see Jeremiah 29: 12. That's outstanding talking about God, the topic is so champ. God will listen to you, whether you believe or not. Psalm 26: 1-3. pointing to the verse of the second, "Prove me, O Lord, and try me, test my heart and my mind." that has been beautiful the Lord it is. 

I studied at a Catholic private school, and my friends had a conversation seriously about a ghost that they have seen. We lived in a dormitory and a large school with two soccer fields and gymnastics. They said, "On nights, you will see a ghost. Trust me and I never lie." Well, I went myself from an A dormitory toward a B dormitory, I walked and checked, where is a ghost, dimana hantu?, but I didn't discover a ghost! The thing that I see was a cross and two statues! So, I arrived safely at a B dormitory and declared to my friends, "No ghost, tidak ada hantu!"

God matters, more than a worldly has. You need to experience God first so you'll know how you feel and what kind of the Lord is. We believe God is love, and that is something never we leave and doubt. Our sins are forgiven by the cross and researched the Bible about Jesus' character. We found how loving and faithful Jesus was. Bible answers all questions that you have been worried about. The only Bible has. That's why we need to live the bible centrally and have in God's love central relationship. 

You are a Christian and you aren't blind because you still believe in Jesus. Jesus Christ, the one God only you need to believe and have God's love every day. You must believe in Jesus'  second coming. It will be forever. Christianity teaches you how to love, how to forgive, how to be faithful, and how to be the Bible life centrally. You aren't blind. 


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