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He is Risen: Leadership, Life Transition, and Disciples

Source: Unsplash

Happy Easter! What a week! From Palm Sunday, White Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter's last day happened on Sunday. This was a holy week that was really so exciting and a lot of learning. I got a break for Easter for about four days. Praise God, it allowed me to rest and have more time for spending alone, with friends, and with God. 

The pastor  who led Easter service was a nice guy I met on Sunday and Friday. I didn't have an interpreter on Good Friday, but I had one on Sunday. He was careful in preaching about disciples. He knew this culture. He was outstanding and just cool ever. During this holy week, I spent my struggles, trying to balance and be honest in ministry, private, and work. I have a porn addiction, so high still. I'm tempted to see beautiful women and that isn't good. I need to self-controlling, so I won't be tempted to see beautiful women. So, I have never imagined if a guy who has a porn addiction and struggles for a healing and overcoming this addiction. But, I know I see a hope that does exist. I never met a guy has a porn addiction, but I met a guy had a porn addiction and now he has a girlfriend. He healed and regularly attend at the church and events. I was like, "How can she accept that in fact he had a porn addiction?" It looks possible, isn't it? But, if a pastor who has a porn addiction, I would have never imagined because I never meet a pastor like that. 

I watched The Passion of the Christ and shared about Jesus on Instagram, written in Indonesian. Then, what lesson I got? I learned how to transition the twelve of Christ and how have they changed since those events?

Resurrection is a hope of life transition and a figure of the world's hope. 

Jesus died on the cross, Jesus' tomb was empty, and Jesus rose in 3 days. That has powerfully impacted your life. We see how the Apostle Peter denied Jesus again when Jesus was arrested in Matthew 26: 69-75. Judas left and Peter denied Him, then twelve of Christ fear, sorrow, and disbelief about what happened. On the three days, Jesus' tomb was empty when Mary Magdalene came. Jesus rose and appeared, then Mary and other Mary went home to tell the twelve of Christ were sorrowing. They were disbelieving her, and they went to the same location where Mary found and met Jesus. Jesus came and said, "Greetings!" Then, Jesus said, "Do not be afraid, go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee and there they will see me." in Matthew 28: 1-10. 

We see how life transitions the twelve of Christ, they were fearful, sorrowing, disbelieving, and denying, but they had a hope of seeing Jesus risen. A hope of life transition. So, when we watch a movie about Jesus, we will feel like, "Oh this is a life transition. So, I really need to change better." You can see how courageous the twelve of Christ ministering the gospel to the world in the book of Acts. Jesus' last commandment is to go to the world and baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in verses 19-20. 

The twelve of Christ had become a main role in Christianity's world growth in history. From fearful to now they bravely in ministering the gospel to the world. This is called a life transition. You can share about Jesus bravely and fearlessly with your friends, family, community, and anyone you meet even though you do not have the courage of sharing about Jesus publicly. You have so high addiction, like porn addiction, and that's great because that's time for you! Resurrection happens because that's the time that Jesus predicted His death in Matthew 17: 22-23. 

Resurrection is about leading in disciples and ministry.

In the book of Acts, starting to minister that Jesus rises, is possibly not going to be easy but that's a commandment. We see the Apostle Stephen ministered in Acts 6: 8-14 and his death in verses 54-61. So, Jesus has risen which means Jesus led the twelve of Christ with hope and a commandment in disciples and ministry. That event leads you to disciples and ministry. You need disciples so you can lead your friends who do not know Jesus becoming to live in Christ and God's love. 

Disciples aren't about an invitation but about leadership. You are a leader, everyone can be. You lead people who do not know Jesus and you do not invite them. This is a difference. We have a Core Group, and the leaders can be changed every semester, everybody who is a member of the Core Group has the same chance in leadership. This is about leadership. As well as Young Pro does. The Apostles of Christ were leaders in ministry and disciples, and they didn't invite, that's why. 

I would like to remind you about what actually you need in life transition, leadership, and disciples during the holy week. You have Jesus, that's time for you, and do not waste the time that God has given. That's time and use time right now because that's your moment. Do it by rejoicing and being full of hope. Whatever addiction, struggles, and issues, that's great and that's a time for you. Do it. Don't give up! Benefit your time! Let's go! 

Happy Easter, everyone! God bless you! 


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