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Too Young (to be) a Believer

Source: Unsplash

I watched Jesus Revolution taking the 1970s time-background where the United States was in a "cold war" with the Soviet Union and mandatory military service for the Vietnam War under the 37th President of the United States, Richard Nixon. It made me remind about American history which could I say is "the lowest ever happened" because America was at that time having racism issues, anti-war protests, drugs, and hopelessness. So, the movie came up at the right time and brought into the past time when Old America was alive. The most addressed are church reformation and youth ministry. I love how Joel Courtney playing Greg Laurie and Anna Grace Barlow playing Cathe struggled together, the ups and downs. Togetherness gives meaning to the power of love and faithfulness. The hippie culture was, about in this movie and took at Newport Beach, California, which is still part of Los Angeles downtown. Calvary Chapel, a church that began at the evangelist Jesus Movement. 

Friendship matters because friendship is family.

That movie reminds me of "two better than one," in Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10. We see how Kelsey Grammer playing Pastor Chuck and Jonathan Roumie playing Lonnie Frisbee worked together to reform the church so the church was able to be allowing youth communities who struggle with drug addiction, life problems, and hopelessness, the thing is about hippie culture. Pastor Chuck was a conservative pastor meanwhile Lonnie was a minister but as not as usual that "a real pastor", was more charismatic and looked like an American young at that time.  Lonnie wanted a church open to everyone, including youth communities that he served, but Pastor Chuck won't let it happen, and even he knew the church was lonely. They started in Southern California, then became massive communities and reached young who hopeless, ended up reaching around America, which was from Texas, Florida, Alabama, Nevada, and Oklahoma, coming to California and get to baptized at the beach. Awesome! God's work was amazing! 

Mostly young this movie, made me fascinated by campus ministry and youth ministry that I love to serve! Felt like XA Chi Alpha! XA Chi Alpha has communities around America and U.S. colleges, reaching college students. We should treat them like family. Friendship is family as you are reading in 1 Thessalonians 5: 11. I love serving the campus and youth community, which allows me to share and listen to their stories/ curhatan. I'm going to have a chance of leading and encouraging them to live in devotion and God's love that they really need. 

God encourages you to be critically thinking.

Youth or young, orang muda, whatever thick to be critical thinking and looking for an identity. That's super good having critical thinking because the truth will answer as takes time as looking about. We see in 1 John 4: 1, a test to which the right spirit before taking an action. If you hear the spirit that comes from the Lord, you will, and when you hear the spirit that does not come from Him, so do not, which is holding on better than doing what's never expected. But, sometimes, being critical tends to be egoism and thinking that "I'm better than you are." Proverbs 3: 5, is a clear statement that "Do not lean on your own understanding." Trust in the Lord with your all heart. 

People might think that learning Christianity is a dumb something and something that should never be learned because it's just a myth, delusional, unreal, and fiction. And, yeah, sometimes I have to admit! It causes religion and education have always been controversial in U.S. public schools. In Indonesia, we don't have a problem as American public schools do, but I see many young people have lost hope of believing in God due to political, workplace, toxic, unlawful, and social issues, and disappointment. Yes, I see they are! However, I have to value they are because we cannot interfere with people's faith, except God does. We remain reminded of each other about sola fedi, the faith salvation only.

Being God's fearing begins to allow you to gain everything and knowledge.

We are about to think in Proverbs 1: 7, be wise in studying and researching. To be critical thinking is good! You are smart and genius! You are incredible! God is using you to share the gospel with your spirit that God has given. Therefore, we need a pearl of wisdom, what is wisdom? That is one word that has been interesting. Let's read James 3: 13.

"Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom." James 3: 13 ESV. 

The last one says, the meekness of wisdom, which talks about humbleness. God encourages you to study science or math, which comes with humbleness and meekness of wisdom. You can be a social justice warrior (SJW), that's cool! You can be an activist, that's so a great one! But be wise and you gain everything and knowledge full of humbleness and generosity.

I'm S3, doctor degree, leh, how about you? It is not! You are nothing to whatever that is the comparison in the world. Comparison is a trap. Humbleness brings you wisdom and comparison. Aware of we are human being who has always had lack, are limited, and are imperfect, but remains racing to be better than the previous.

Be wise, critically thinking, and lean on God's understanding. We believe you are smart, but we want to encourage you remain to learn and research so you are able to feel better than you were. Feeling better is to know and accept Jesus is the Savior and Lord, is all about who you have been. One day, you will know that is Lord Jesus.


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