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What is a True Church?

Source: Unsplash

In Christianity, we have many denominations, such as Baptist, Anabaptist, Lutheran, Calvinist, Pentecost, Charismatic, and many more, now Orthodox and Roman Catholic. Some people do not identify which is denomination, that is called non-denominational. It has been confusing to people as often about what kind of a true church they should observe. That's okay if you feel confused. 

I'm a church explorer and I always go to different churches to worship, learn, and experience the church traditions. I went to a Baptist church, a Lutheran church, a Pentecost church, and a Roman Catholic church, and now am a member of a Charismatic church. I love it so much about the church. I love the church. It has nothing related to my belief. I still believe in Jesus Christ and I don't have a problem with denominations and different churches. I even went to a Latter-day Saints church or Mormon church and met two missionaries identified as Jehovah's Witnesses. Those aren't Christianity, exactly. Praise God, I don't attend them regularly, but I still respect them and I hope they will find the truth. God is waiting for you. That's a simple thing that I have meant. I would like to share any tips for you so you are able to attend a true church that can help your faith growth. But, be sure that you are called a Christian in Acts 11: 26. No matter what is your denomination and church, Catholics, Orthodox, or Protestants, are still Christians. Christian, the term meaning people who are followers of Jesus Christ, and Antioch people see there is a difference between Jews about how to worship and praise God. 

#1. What is a church that believes Jesus Christ is God? 

Most denominations are in the same agreement about believing Jesus Christ as God. But, frankly, some churches and denominations have multiple theology and opinions about Jesus. If you are watching a Korean drama titled, "In the Name of God: Betrayal" which is about Jesus Morning Star, you are about to think of the heresies in Christianity. Carefully, when you meet a church that has different theology or does not believe in the basic theology about Jesus Christ being God. We see John 14: 6, addressing Jesus' salvation. That's part of a basic theology that most denominations and churches still believe in. Matthew 28: 19 clearly the Trinity; Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit becomes one the Lord, is who himself and we worship the only one God, God is one, representing the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. We don't worship three gods. So, we worship God as one.

#2. What is a church that values compassion, encouraging, and growing as an inclusive and open church?

A true church that treats you equally in God's eyes in Galatians 3: 26-28. You are baptized in one faith, one God, and the Holy Spirit. I don't see you are in a wheelchair, a black, an Asian, a white, or have blonde hair, curve hair, and different languages, because it doesn't important--truly--the important is seeing your God's love that you need to have and experience.

I don't care if a church still believes that women shouldn't be pastors because it's a personal thing I think and I believe women still can share the gospel regardless of title, whether she is a pastor or not. If God is calling you to minister the gospel, why can't you serve God as you are unqualified? Nuns, missionaries, and whatever the title, women can share the gospel and serve God. She can share the gospel with a man who does not believe or does not know Jesus. Why not?

#3. What is a church that commits to a biblically centered church?

Roman Catholics, believe that "we are the one only Church, Apostolic, and Holy". Orthodox also have the same claim that their church was built by the Apostle and never changed thousands of years ago, still the same until now. Protestants claim that a true church is supposed to be biblical-based only. Advents or the Seventh Day Adventist church do not observe Sabbath on Sunday. Which is a true church? I would answer that they are still a true church because they are a biblically centered church and are still able to help your faith grow. So, it all comes to you and depends on you. 

If you are reading the Bible, you will find the truth and God is wanting you to go to a church that God has meant, that'll be a good church that helps you to grow your faith. A church doesn't commit to a biblically centered church, that's RED ALERT! I met someone who is from the United States and she is a member of a Unitarian church, which is the church that sounds ever to be called the liberation church. That's unbiblical because the church commits to same-sex marriage, which is forbidden in the Bible and the Scripture says that only a man and a woman can marry. 

#4. What is a church that commits to being a good church for everyone who needs to grow faith?

A church is open to everyone who has problems that they can't solve and wants to find the truth. Everyone can serve God in multiple positions, such as the media team, connect team, worship team, and some positions that the church offers. We see the commitment in encouraging each other in 1 Thessalonians 5: 11, encouraging each other as you are doing. We encourage our church always learn to be better and open to everyone who wants to come, learn, discuss, consult, and serve. Giving the accessibility that they need, like people with wheelchairs, the church should provide a lift or ramp, and some rooms, and facilities can be accessed by wheelchairs. We cannot reject or judge. In Matthew 7: 1-2, those verses addressing a true church should be kindness-hearted, not judging, and valuing people who critique that actually want the church to be better and grow. 

If you find a good church, you will have an improvement in faith, fellowship, and family, those things you have been looking for. Be sure, the church that you are committed to the Scripture. As a Protestant, I would require the six solas (sola fedi, sola christus, sola gratia, sola scriptura, sola deo gloria, and solus christos), Bible as the highest-laws authority, and Jesus only salvation, the Lord who deserves to be worshipped. Thus, I still value Catholics, Orthodox, Coptic, and others and I believe they are Christians because we believe in Jesus Christ. 

#5. What is a church that commits to being neutral in socio-culturally and politics?

The last one is crucial in determining where is a true church, check your pastors and church, what is kind. In the Scripture, we believe a church is a good place to bring divided people together. We read in Second Vatican Council that happened in 1965, the church is allowed to address politically and socially, but I still view there are multiple different views about the church's attitude. I mean, pastors are still allowed to speak up, but they need to know what is differential. Pastors are allowed to speak up personally and aren't related to their job as pastors, as well as do not represent the church where they serve. Importantly, least, they won't preach politically at a church. They are required to teach and preach week to week about Jesus and the Bible. You aren't allowed to be like Pastor Paul White who addressed politics at her church. You need to be an integrability and credible pastor like Billy Graham wasn't actually a pastor but himself calling an evangelist. He never preached politics in his ministry until his death. Billy always prayed for world leaders, including his country, the United States, Pray for the United States of America or Pray for America.

The church and pastors are encouraged to pray for the leaders as said in 1 Timothy 2: 1-2. The church needs to clearly explain disagreements on LGBTQ, same-sex marriage, and whether stuff is forbidden and against the Bible, but the church is still warmly welcoming to people, whoever is. Every verse is breathed by God in 2 Timothy 3: 16, remember one, the church's responsibility on defending the Bible and Scripture-breathed only.  

In conclusion, that be sure is up to you and you will find a true church that you look to. I pray for you so you are able to find a true church and can help your faith grow. I don't care what is your church and denomination, you are still Christians because you still believe in Jesus Christ. God bless you!


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