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The Gospel Movement: Sensitivity to Social Issues

Source: Medium

When I was sent a sermon from my friend on my birthday, that was about Holy Spirit and I didn't read the entire sermon, but I believe it was a good sermon. I know every church and denomination has a different perspective about the Holy Spirit, apostolic, and liturgy. The charismatic church is well-known for being Holy Spirit centered. But, what is "inside", is no longer being important, it is how it is. Therefore, the thing that becomes important is to talk about the social gospel. 

The social gospel is probably the most rarely talked about in church activities. In the modern era, we are spoiled by technology and accessibility, and the world is getting developed. We see this in Jeremiah 29: 7.

"Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper." Jeremiah 29: 7.

That is the letter that the prophet Jeremiah sent from Jerusalem to Babylon, the city wave of exile, and prayed to the Lord that he believed about what meant Lord meant to him. "Exile", sounds like an unfamiliar place, an unknown place, even sounds like a dangerous place that should have never been visited. God sends you to an exiled place for a purpose. The social gospel which is lately been controversial and against the Bible. like LGBTQ, abortion, same-sex marriage, and whatever has been controversial. It keeps developing every year and every city has openly minded to social issues. 

We can see the LGBTQ flags are everywhere, expressed freely, and promoting "love is love", not just LGBTQ, as well as pro-abortion marches. Liberalism is everywhere that wants to be normalized and as "common" they want to try normalizing. You might have never seen it before, but it will always happen. But God still sees that is good. Jesus came to share the gospel as what are we doing right away. 

God has given you an opportunity to share the gospel. This is a chance.

No matter what you feel and don't like, this is a chance that God has given you. Moses was sent to someplace that he didn't know and complained to the Lord, but the Lord knew and sent his brother to accompany him on the mission. God's plans are never to harm you but a hope that He gives in Jeremiah 29: 11. I read the news covering a foreign missionary who spent years in Papua with the purpose of sharing the gospel, and it made me feel impressed because not many Papuan people who are fluent in English and they had prepared to learn Indonesian or maybe Papuan language, and Papuan culture before flying to Papua. 

How can they live in someplace that has hugely different from their country? No English, no pizza, no salad, no football, and even feeling alone, everything to locals come in. Homesick? Definitely! It might sound like an exiled place, but they never complain and feel blessed to be able to serve the Lord in Papua. It means they have prepared to leave everything they had in the country and are ready to serve the Lord in limited kinds of stuff that something is really new to them.

When you go to an LGBTQ festival, you know it's sinful activity, but this is a chance to share the gospel in the festival. Because this is a chance, God sends you an opportunity because this is a chance

A question: would you a worth doing every chance?

"Go and make His disciples of all nations..." Matthew 28: 19. God has sent you to someplace that He chose, the next question is "Would you a worth doing in the place that He chose?" You can pick one of these up; go or later. This is your decision. But I believe God calls you, you should go. 

We see 1 John 3: 20 says, "For whatever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart and he knows everything." This verse strengthens you to live still in doubt about God's calling and feeling like a trap. God is greater than our hearts, that is powerful, really. I attended the Deaf Bible study which is held once every two weeks on Zoom and I heard the testimony about her doubt to attend church, but she didn't feel it because she has a worse experience with her friends who are Christians. She asked that should she move to a new church. Pastor wisely helped her so well and he reminded her how Jesus died on the cross. Our hearts can be doubted but God is greater than ours. 

If saying yes, be consistent and complete the mission. Be ready!

You indefinitely know when will finish the mission but be ready and complete your mission. Don't leave the mission. Complete entire the mission. Exodus 33: 14 says that God will be with you everywhere you are until the mission is finished. Matthew 28: 20, Jesus promised that will be with you until the end of the world.

You just signed a-year contract and you need to be completing this a-year commitment. A one-year commitment that you are needed to complete. So, if you accept an extension offer, you can sign up or not. This is about a commitment that is required to complete it. God is the Word, He will always be with you and He promised. God is the beginning and the last, be with you. Suffering ahead that might you are going to face, God is with you, still. God is the Word, He will. 

We see in Second Timothy 4: 7, how matters kept the faith until the end. You win the fight because you have kept your faith. You win the fight. 

God is greater than us. God's calling and we go to serve the Lord.
Don't leave the mission! Just complete the mission! 
Because God is greater than us.
Be consistent and ready!


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