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God's Relationship About Faith, Future Plans, Dreams, and Life

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Hey back! I was hesitant to write a blog two months later, as this unpredictable journey that ever I couldn't have imagined. But, God is good at working and keeps loving me, whatever tough it is. I was nearly an atheist after losing my best friend. It took weeks off to learn, have conversations, and have a retreat with my church community, I suddenly that although I realised what God meant and Bible is again always the last answer at that same I probably couldn't believe in pastors, priests, and friends. But, the Bible is always the last answer if you do not believe this way. Just reading the pieces or the whole of this Bible, will answer itself. I was away from God's relationship and I knew that I was unable to pray without being faithful to God. So, I don't want to leave more regrets and I just want to love God first before doing everything. 

See what Matthew 21: 22 says "And, whatever you ask, it will relieve if you have faith." Faith is the beginning of the prayer. You cannot pray without faith. You need to believe in God so you can pray for Him. I wanted to pray and tried to deny Him, but I could not because I always wanted to pray after a suggestion from my friend who had a similar experience. I, indeed, then want a desire to have a future wife and build a new family, that's how I started to feel when my best friend died from committing suicide in January 2022. My heart keeps telling me that I need to have a friend who is closer and understands me in whatever I have ups and downs. I do not know that's right but that's been right and frequently until now. I know I have been single and have no experience of dating so specifically== I had actually but it ended quickly. So, I know that God won't let me fall down and get trapped on the wrong path. He protected me from unhealthy dating or something wrong that I perhaps did not realise. 

Faith and World

The world where we are living currently, but as Christians say the world has been ruined already since we were born. They believe that because sins cause the destruction of the world and Jesus came to the world to rescue people from sins, temptations, lust, and everything that wasn't decent in God's eyes. So, they believe that once you believe in Jesus, you will be saved. In Orthodox Christianity, it is being said that perspective that we are in the liturgy that we are actually an unworthy sinner and we need to pray, Lord have mercy, so many times repeatedly every day. 

Because the world is ruined, we need to be faithful to God so that God will win against the world through prayer only! Praying? Does it work? Yes, that works! But, you need to be patient and keep praying because you will never know that your prayer will be answered. As so am I, I do not know my prayer will be answered but I want to love God first so that I shall pray every day. 

I still do not know how works prayer and how will it be answered, but I will always want to pray every day and look forward to answers. I just need to encourage myself to wait on God's timing, be patient, and keep praying. Jeremiah 29: 11, strongly says that God's plans are greater than ours and He will never harm you. He will you everything is decent in the image of God. I do not talk like that because I haven't experienced it yet but I am just looking forward to it. Just be patient and wait. God's timing, words, plans, and relationship are perfectly than what we would have imagined before. It is still mysterious but only faith will understand. 

Bible is The Last Answer

They just do not know because they just do not understand, my friend said when we were on the beach. She believes in what the Bible says. That's the final, what is she saying about. The Bible is not just a holy book for Christians but the Bible is a way of life to guide and teach us to be respectful humans like what Jesus did and taught when He was alive on earth and in history of Jesus the God's Word, Apostle, and Gospel. 

Jesus is the Only, Beginning, and Last, being the Alpha and Omega. Jesus was the God's Word and Jesus is the God's Word. (John 1:1, John 14: 6, and Revelation 1:8)

Jesus' lifeways had three gold words==most reminders of worldwide Christians, are forgiveness, love/ compassion, and respect. Jesus died for us and Jesus went to heaven so we can be like Him, the Savior. In following historical documents like St. Helena found Jesus' cross, that was the first now that truthfully proved that Jesus is God and we should believe in God, that's what the Bible says. Once you read the Bible which is just one verse, your life will be changed, even though you probably do not realise. Points in John 13: 1-7 when Jesus cleaned His disciples' feet on prior Passover Festival. You just do not know because you do not understand but you will understand later.

I believe in God, personally saying a yes!

So, yeah I want to believe in God and personally, I believe in God. I just cannot image how my life would be without Him. God loves me and I want to love God first. If I eventually have a new friend who always encourages and leads us to get closer to God's first relationship, I think it will be great for me because I definitely need that one after saying that I have already surrendered to God and want to love God as the first one. I just want someone who loves God, not me and we should do it same. That's what I believe because we cannot fix our mistakes without God's guide and we need to pray every day, asking God to draw our pathway. 

And, importantly, we have Mary the Theotokos, a holy female rarest in the world, so I am a man who is definitely looking forward to a woman who loves praying, just like Mary promises that she keeps praying from heaven. Since Jesus went to heaven, Mary spent her entire life praying until going to heaven, based on Orthodox traditions. Orthodox Christianity says that Mary is the prayer, forever, obedience, miracle, love, and holiness. Mary is an example of holy women who love God and always pray for the world, family, husbands, men, kids, and community, even unbelievers and anyone else that she will be praying for.

So, I am Christian, attend an Eastern Orthodox Church, and I believe in Jesus as God and Savior! I am proud of how my journey is and I know it will not be guaranteed but that's not a problem, because that's part of life's journey and life is learning. I still do not know if my prayer will be answered or how will I have my dreams and future plans but I at least still believe in God and have a desire to love God, be patient, wait, and trust God's plans. 

God is good! God bless you! God loves you!


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