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A Day of Mourning for Our City, Constantinople

Fall of Constantinople 1453, sourced Heritage Daily

On 29 May 1453, the most important of Roman Empire of Eastern Orthodox Church, Constantinople, has fallen by Ottoman Muslims was led Sultan Mehmed II. 

The last Byzantine emperor, Constantine XI's final speech, "God forbids that I should live as an Emperor without an Empire. As my city falls, I will fall with it. Whosever whishes to escape, let him save himself if he can, and whoever is ready to face death, let him follow me." over he rejected an advice by an advisor to escape and establish an empire on exile, that believed in Genoa or any Italian region.

Hagia Sophia is always a church despite it is currently a mosque

On the last Divine Liturgy was held at Hagia Sophia, a prior of a day of siege on 28 May 1453. The Hagia Sophia was established by Emperor Constantine I in 325 and was a church cathedral for Orthodox people. The Hagia Sophia is in Greek language meaning "Holy Wisdom" or Ἁγία Σοφία or Aya Sophia in Latin.  Hagia Sophia is currently declared as a mosque in order to a 2020 President of Turkey, Reccep Tayyip Erdogan's painful decision - which was previously was a museum conversion led by securalised nation founding, Kemal Ataturk. 

The three day siege was a part of the Sultan Mehmed II's plans to conquer the city, he prepared well and promised to fulfill the Prophet of Muhammad prophecy on conquering the Constantinople. He later saying, "Be satisfied with booty and the captives, the buildings of the city belong to me." He converted Hagia Sophia into a mosque and urged to a sound prayer marked the first prayer in the building. The Ottoman soldiers destroyed churches and converted the entire of churches into mosques. Christians - priests, nuns, men, women, and children - were brutally massacred, raped, beheaded, arrested, and could be slaved purchase by Muslims, despite Sultan Mehmed II allowed the Orthodox church staying and appointed Patriarch Gennadius to lead the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.  

Orthodox Christians were categorised as dhimmi under Sharia Laws, which they shall pay the jizyah, commonly more expensive depending on the ruler and treated as second citizens, grouped being Non Muslim citizens. Ottoman troops gathered all Christians of Georgia and in order to step foot on holy icons featured Jesus Christ and Mary the Theotokos to convert into Muslim. Whosever to step foot on holy icons, they would live as Muslims, otherwise to behead. But, the entire of Christians of Georgia declined the commandment and in result led into beheaded on the river. But, God's miracle happened, that Georgia is until today still an Orthodox nation with Georgian people are Orthodox Christians, even though the heads were beheaded until entire was left - logically could be filled by Muslims in the country.

But, the author cannot continue because feeling mourning of this fall of Constantinople leading its suddenly change into society, politics, laws, traditions, and life, where was Orthodox Christians were, under the Ottoman Empire, long-suffering until a bishop of Greek, Bishop Germanos of Patras, declared the war against Ottoman in commandment of independence and revolution, the Feast of Annunciation, in its Greek people at the Monastery of Agia Lavria, Greece on 26 March 1821 - would later in recognition of Greek independence by Sultan Ottoman on London treaty in July 1832. 

However, we are strong and believe in this Orthodox faith, true teaching and Christianity, that would pray for Hagia Sophia on conversion back into a church again and open again for the divine liturgy first-time after hundreds (19 January 1919 led by Fr. Papa Noufrakis of Crete), of thousands years . We  believe St. Paisios of Mount Athos prophecy on Hagia Sophia. 

"Constantinople will be liberated, will become Greek [Greek Orthodox Church] again, Hagia Sophia will open again." on St. Paisios of Mount Athos. 

Yeah, we believe in this prophecy because he was a saint canonized. So, we pray for that despite we definitely are anti-war campaign because we are in order to love neighbours, even enemies, but if time has come, so it will be happening, that we cannot avoid. We stay praying for the peace and true love will be leading in this world, not just case-by-case. We love Muslims and we just want that there's no fanaticism and radicalism in religion/ belief. This history has reminded and educated us as the history creates us being true love human being in God's compassion and faithfulness, is about truth and promise, that will not repeat itself or is written by victory. 

We believe Muslims are kindly people as other religions, like Jews, Buddhism, Hindu, and even atheism. Jesus has commanded us to love, forgive, and pray for them as He has loved us. 

We are about to pray for Constantinople and Hagia Sophia, as well as Orthodox Christians over the world as non Orthodox people as well.



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