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Commitment to Christ's Life or Secularism Life?

Source: Davao Catholic Herald

Secularism is based on Oxford dictionary, to define the principle of separation of the state from the religion institutions. In universalism, religion and state is separating, from laws, rules, ways, traditions, policy, and culture. Byzantine Empire practiced it until the conquest of Ottoman Empire in 1453. Then, following the French Revolution and the United States Constitution have also practiced until today. The secularism concept highly popularity while Kemal Ataturk declared Turkey as a secular country.

Thomas Jefferson was a father founding of the United States, was a Christian, and populist in supporting the creation of the United States government based on a secularism concept whereas it was him - a Christian, but his belief on a secular country to prevent from the intervention from religion institutions on the national policy. Until today, the United States is a secular country despite many people think the US is a Christian country based on the number of Christian people. Still, however there are a few rules where prayer isn't allowed in the public room, where ex high school tackle football coach (in other term of American football) lost his job due to publicly prayer, in which he would bring its case to Supreme Court. You can read here. It shows the example of how does the United States practice the concept of secularism government. I watched a movie titled "God isn't Dead 2" and "God isn't Dead: We The People". Two franchise movie series clearly describes the secular concept is frequent opposing to religion principles. So, I like them, especially this sequel's the best movie series I've ever watched. 

Becoming a Christian after getting baptized, there are two roads that we are going to follow, in road on to secular or in road on to Christ. You can be a Christian but lifestyle in secular, whether to be a Christian in devout to Christ's life. You cannot mix both roads because it doesn't work in the same time. So, you have a option to prefer whether to come in your life guidance. There's no nothing, though. But, I as an author, a Christian myself, would suggest to devout in Christ's life instead living in the secular concept. 

Why should be?

Reading John 14: 6, that's clear, we are following Him, that means we have an order to follow its scripture, the Holy Traditions, from Jesus, twelve disciples, and Father Churches. That draws us up to Christ's life. To submit in God's creation, views, plans, purposes, and commandments on our principles. Christ's life is way away different from the secular concept - which is to flavour what the world says, like influencers, doctors, scientists, or leaders who have credible, accountability, and specialism. For example:

Talking about abortion

In the world, many people may think that the abortion is healthcare or part of human rights. But, Christians contrary to oppose or even ban in serving the abortion because it's murder, which is prohibited in the Bible. So, you have to make a choice which prefers to follow the world or Christ. 

I'm pro life because I believe baby in the mother's womb is worth and God's creation in order us to take care of and raise them in the right way despite we know that is from rape or unwanted plans that she may doesn't want it. I follow Christ, so I'm pro life and reject the abortion. We have nuns, churches, and monasteries so they can take care your baby if you don't want it, even doesn't want to be a mum. You can leave your baby in there if you don't want to raise your baby. A monastery has so many stuff like food, clothes, or bed, everything is provided for your baby. Even, the monastery can be your house, if the leader is fine about that. That's how does Christ's life practice. 

Talking about vasectomy.

Many wives want their husbands to vasectomy in order to prevent having another new baby, which is called birth control or contraception. Vasectomy is to cut the sperm supply so a husband cannot have sperm inside vagina and in result a wife won't get pregnant again. Looks good work, isn't it? More safer than physical castration where men were castrated (without a penis and testicles) in the past time. However, in Christ's life, it's opposed to God's creation and it considers "mortal sin". Having male genital is part of God's creation, like the size, shape, function, or something God's creation in beautiful body that men should take care of because it's self-esteem and honour, as well as female genital. Our honour is to protect our bodies from any opposite practical. 

I have my cat who is male, but I never sterile or castrate him because the genital is God's given, like something I have to worth it as grateful and as obedience in body that God has created. Then, I know my male cat how not to make a new kitten, like how can prevent, simply we have in order to self control, which is able to be taught. We self control in devout in God each other. But, if we ended up having a pregnant and we consider it's God's plans for us because we strongly believe that God knows the best for us. God's plans never harm, shall've you?

So, many things are the world and Christ differences that you should choose. If you live in Christ's life, everything is a blessing and never harm on yours, but living in the secularism can be dangerous because it's always ending up in indefinite and confusion situation. But, yeah, that's a personal choice, whether is the best for you. 

I would be rather going to live Christ's life because I believe I'd be having a blessing everyday to obedience in God, not just formally attending in the church. Christ's life is to bond God, myself, my future wife, future kid, family, church, and community, in overall living in Christ. 

So, let's choose the Christ's life over the secularism life if you are a Christian. God bless! 


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