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5 Questions About Christianity in the Modern Era

Source: Unsplash

As a Christian, I would be more liberalist but right here identifying a kind of conservative and putting biblical and God-centered life. We, I live in the modern era, and we have neighbors who have a different background, such as sexual orientations, LGBTQ, races, languages, disabilities, and religions/ beliefs. I'm okay with them because having friends who have like those backgrounds and I still myself as a Christian, no problem so far because I hate judgmental which is banned in Matthew 7: 1-5 and I have to respect them. Even I have my best friend who is a former Christian but converted to another religion that he believes, and I was still congratulating him despite I was sad because I am taught by living together and honoring people who are loved by God. 

Firstly, I read the Bible every day, sort of rarely read as well, but I am hungry to get knowledge and love reading. For the whole of my life, I would be a liberalist and proud to be. I am completely agreeing that what made my life change because of the environment and media. The church is my home to express my emotions and complaints. God is the best friend to me, second is my family, and third is my friends. What era I live about, I have to be grateful to the Lord whom I know, pray for, and saved by, because we live in the roles of support, including technology and meeting the best friends who changed my life. Well, here are the five questions about Christianity in the modern era. 

1. Does Christian loves people of LGBTQ and sexual orientations?

Remind of how Jesus Christ chose to sit down with sinners although they protested and questioned (Mark 2: 15-17). In verse 17, Jesus Christ has a reason for deciding why He chose to eat with sinners. You should ask "why?" to find the truth you have been looking for. To answer why, because He loves and forgives the sinners. He believes there are many who follow him. 

In all verses I read the Bible, no talking about homosexuality and some verses responding LGBTQ is a sin and will not enter heaven. Yet, in the world, we live in, for knowing the freedom, I admit and there is the separation of church and state is well-being known contently as secularism. Being a conservative means to be biblical and put God-centered life, I just based on what am following the Bible as my guide to knowing and getting closer to Him. I'm okay having LGBTQ friends because I love them but as a personal thing, there is a boundary, and I can't break God's voice. I need them to know and admit what do they doing despite I know it's an identity. If God loves humans what He created for, I will do but the question is why the Bible says that? Bible says that the opposite marriage, between a man marrying a woman, becomes one flesh that God has prepared. I would say if you were a Christian who you claim, you should read the Bible because this is the key only to understanding God's voice. That's better than when you meet pastors or Christians who maybe you don't think the same, and you get lucky if you meet pastors or Christians get thinking the same. Don't get taken away when you meet Christians who are likely unbiblical, and it can be a fraud. 

2. Why do Christians never protest despite the church being destroyed and burned, and the most insulted?

We as Christians' showing how Jesus' life example. Jesus Christ faced tortured and punished but He was still healing the ear of the wounded Roman army (Luke 22: 51) and asked the father to forgive what they are doing (Luke 23:34). Jesus said, if the world hates you and you think that they hate him first (John 15: 18). Jesus has known that will be persecuted due to Christianity, so He talked it to His disciples and for the generations.

So, I get used to hearing the church is rejected to build or renew permission, and even the church is forcibly closed. And I'm still chilling out and keep praying for them because it happens as often as I heard so on. Every Christians, I guess at least 5% of million Christians are facing persecution and danger in their lives, but they still smile, have positive thinking, do not fear anything happening, love the enemies or haters, and pray. According to Open Doors USA, Christianity is the world's most religious persecution, especially in the countries that have the Muslim-largest populations and the countries where the government implements communism, like China and North Korea. You definitely have ever learned about Jesus' twelve disciples facing death punishment and they did never sell their faith, but they chose to sacrifice for the glory of Jesus Christ. That's why Christianity is so fast growing up in the world. 

We do not need the church as the building, actually and we only need a community to fellowship, lead, ministry, teach, witness, praise Jesus's name, and share the gospel. A church is a world, by definition, the Holy Spirit is baptized, and Jesus Christ's body shares each other then you are being Jesus' example in your life. That's a true church!

3. Should the leaders who Christians take over to lead the nation?

I admit Christianity strongly teachings about forgiveness, love, joy, and praying. I do think a Christian should be leading the nation and even the world but its way about the politics that I do never talk about. I'm a free person. I even do vote for a non-Christian to lead the nation because you need to know that no matter what religion your faith is and all about who you are, what personality you have, and how to lead you to do it. Be careful because there are many Christians who claim themselves to be a follower of Christ, but they cannot show what Christ's life should be. You cannot praise a Christian who loves wearing the cross necklace and it's a trap! A Christian by whom and whose to follow Him, only it's the way of life. Leading is about serving. Serving the people means serving the Lord. Serving is a way of being an example and a role model (Hebrews 13:7). 

I can say the Bible is the truth and all is true, but humans make wars and Biblical deception, like the Crusades, white supremacy, and slavery. Like, the African Americans who were brought by the whites into America's land to build the nation in the white's image and who were Christians, justified the Bible verse to justify the slavery practical, Colossians 3: 22, and until the Jim Crow era, all churches were still separated based on race. Appearing the pastor who became America's future history and a major figure, Martin Luther King was successful in making America better by fighting for freedom, equality racial, interracial marriage, and everything that has been written in the truth of the Bible. His courage was unmatched by other pastors, white presidents, and even white Christians in his era, although they were of the same faith! That's why the leadership needs to be honest and fight for the truth. 

In America, in the history of the president of the United States, only 2 Catholics (we divide ourselves between Catholic and Christian because they cannot be just one religion and we aren't the same despite we admit Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior), John F. Kennedy and is currently 46th President of the United States, Joseph Biden. According to the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, a 2021 survey showed nearly 70% of Americans claimed to be Christian and there is a source claiming America's a more religious nation than any of Europe. In logical thinking, when the election, why did Americans who claimed to be Christian vote for a Catholic president, Joe Biden over the second presidential run, Donald Trump? Asking why. In the future, America can be led by a Muslim, a Hindu, an unbeliever, and can be whoever is elected by the people, and you cannot expect America's a Christian nation. We as Christian do not have the problem since we value freedom. That happens in India which had two Muslims ever leading the country despite the Indian population being Hindu. As long as the leaders obey the Constitution, as the highest laws in the country, we do not have problems and we are required to pray for the leaders because the leaders need salvation and God's helps so they can lead better. 

4. Should Christians have open-minded thinking and value freedom?

It depends on how an individual is. We admit, we live in the modern era, and we should adapt to the times or situations. There are Christian liberalists, Christian conservatives, Christians who are unbiblical, and Christians who are self-unrecognized. I respect them because I cannot hope I will spend with them having the same perspective that I have. That's very rare! 

As myself, a Christian, I should be having open-minded thinking because we are taught to love non-Christians and Christians who have different from what we believe in. The history of Christianity makes we have experienced conflict management. Christianity values individualism. You definitely have never learned about the Dark Ages in Europe. It impacted the biggest Christianity studies and times, despite the Vatican being the Catholic's iconic political still dominating on this earth. We are no longer becoming conservative and valuing the people's freedom. It should be. I think it's enough to be Jesus' life example being the role model for implementing life problems because I believe I can't change but He can change human perspectives (John 13: 13-16). 

5. Why do Christian and Catholic different, then why they have different churches and denominations?

Well, it has been appearing over the years. I learned both as well and respect them. I attended almost many churches. They were beautiful. I love the church so much! I know why. It has to learn the history of Christianity, but you also can learn the history of Catholicism. I'm sure all religions have the same. A human need to have an organization.  As simply as answered why. 

You definitely have 2-4 close friends then make a group on WhatsApp based on what do you feel comfortable with, then become a family. It happened to Christianity, like Advent, Lutheran, Calvinism, Baptist, Pentecost, Mormonism (America only), Anglican, Orthodox, etc. I do know western and eastern Christianity, where the charismatic church comes from western, and the circumcision and hijab, which eastern required but western doesn't require, which the Bible says. It depends on how individualistic is. I don't want to debate because I'm not a pastor and I have less capacity to specialize in Christianity. I still learn, anyway. I love Jesus Christ so much, simply.

I do not have a problem if I have to attend a church that isn't charismatic (I proclaim myself as a charismatic Christian). I met many Christians who have different denominations as well as Catholics. It's common and we are still fine. I don't have to debate which is right for me based on the Bible, but I think I have an idealism, where do I believe and what do I believe. I admit honestly the Catholic church is super beautiful and so huge! 

I believe what happens on this earth that has been written in the Bible. The Bible is all true, regardless of addressing the church and denomination. I only believe in the Bible, based on my life guidance, like Bible may not be divorcing and polygamy, I obey, and I will not be divorced or polygamy. 

Alright, it's so long answer but I'm feeling very good at answering what am I thinking and learning the Bible. I hope it gets better and makes you'll be proud to be a Christian like me, then you can share and lead your community, friends, and family. If you are untold and unfound your faith, I hope you get God's presence. I'm praying for you because I love you.

God bless you! Happy Sunday! 


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