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5 Questions About Christianity in the Modern Era (Final)

Source: Unsplash

Another five last questions about Christianity in the modern era, I'm so excited to answer and share the truth of witnessing God's voice from my perspective. Here are the super five questions:

1. Should Christians open up their faith publicly?
It's the "small talks" and that's super sensitive because it'd be inappropriate to ask a private question, "what is your religion?". But I'm sure that there are some Christians who open up their faith publicly and proudly and usually when they get the spiritual experience, like Jesus' salvation. Specifically, Christian divides up two kinds of born-to-Christian who come from a Christian family and reborn-to-Christian who come from a non-Christian family. I've heard some great testimonies about how to do their spiritual experience and sometimes, I cried. Every Christian has a testimony about how to witness the truth of Jesus Christ. 

For me, I would be proud to be a Christian and gladly serve Christ for the rest of my life. I believe in faith and hope because He is with me every day and every time. I do not fear anything because He makes me stronger. Publicly proclaiming a Christian definitely not going to be easy because it is risky, but God will strength and help to fight for you (Isaiah 41: 10). Christianity is about how to mature and how faith you believe in. I wrote some points that shout out why a Christian who likes to look at Jesus Christ's examples, are: forgiveness, rejoicing, patience, belief, humility, love, gentleness, and praying. Those powerful words are existed and mentioned in the Bible. Philippians 4: 4, is a way of powerful word about the Christian life, on bad days and good days, you still be rejoicing. Isn't it amazing? 

2. Do you think about inter-faith marriage?
No, I will not! Super disagree about this unbalanced marriage that is banned in the Bible. 2 Corinthians 6: 14 is proof that interfaith marriage is a weakness and will never be committed to making a better family despite some another of any interfaith marriage still has a better life. It reminds, you of the world, where you live and there is the temptation and lust take away getting a trap and fraud. Don't get loving your couple and forcibly get up if it doesn't by owning to God. We are in His plans for the better life that He has promised. God has been guiding you since birth and He is fighting for you. It doesn't mean to you just chill out, but you have to go on and make the successful work that you have been praying about. Praying, doing, and surrendering, don't forget being always grateful that you have. 

Marrying a Christian couple, whether they are an unbiblical, a liberalist, or a conservative, are still a Christian so it's okay, but you have to be grateful and ask for God's guidance and giving the signs so you will be able to avoid Satan's temptation and make you are still in the faith of the Lord. Because the relationship with Him is very private and no one can be explained scientifically. 

3. Should Christians learn about other religions?
So, I'm going to ask why? It's about tolerance. We have teachings about loving other religions. But we will not debate about religious comparison since we have boundaries and it's super sensitive. I'm a Christian and learned about all religions, including agnosticism or atheism, even though I have a Buddhism book and the history of religions in the world. I love Buddhism and Hinduism because it speaks about peace of mind and love going to the temple. I attended their place of worship, and I am still Christian. I did attend the local religion and discussed it with, then until now am still Christian. Why all I did for? I just wanted to learn and respect. 

The heart of Jesus Christ causes me to keep believing in Christianity. I love Jesus Christ so much. He is my Lord, and He is so important to me. Christian is my belief as I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

4. What kind of church do you want to be in?
That's a super great question. I've attended different churches in my life. In my mind, a church isn't just a building but a community to share the gospel, witness the truth, and fellowship. A church is made by humans. God will establish his church, actually. He builds a church through your body that is baptized already through the power of the Holy Spirit. You are His church to minister to other people, fellow Christians or non-Christians (1 Corinthians 7: 17).

5. Last question, if you are a Christian and a citizen, which do you follow the Bible or the laws and science?
I know having both here as a citizen and a Christian. A Christian that you know should trust the truth of the Bible because all is true and proven. If you do not believe in the Bible, you aren't a Christian. Based off the Bible on how am identifying a son of God, I would do. All my life, I do obey the Bible and no matter what denomination and the church.

As a citizen, I definitely respect the Constitution as the highest law in the country. By going to hope, freedom is guaranteed in the Constitution because we have the rights of attending church, praying, and worshipping, sort of what other religion does. I know the laws that don't come from the Bible, like interfaith marriage and same-sex marriage are probably still allowed in the country. They admit and do it for protecting freedom not what should have they follow the Bible. I'm not and will not, never, but I respect them. That's out of my box. I am going to proclaim to get closer to Him. I choose to follow the Bible for the whole of my life because that's the only salvation path (John 14: 6).

Finally, we are done! Thanks, Jesus Christ!

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgmental, you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure, you use it will be measured to you." 
Matthew 7: 1-2 ESV


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