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A Love Teaching, Everything That Puts in Hard Times

Source: Unsplash

"And He called the twelve disciples and gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases." Luke 9: 1 NIV

When I was stuck and trapped in hard times, I always thought about how eleven of Jesus Christ's disciples faced death punishment in their ministry countries and still many martyrs who died for witnessing Christ. Jesus Christ crucifixion and died for our sins, then He is risen and met 12 disciples, then commanded in Matthew 28: 16-20. The twelve disciples went to Asia and Europe to minister the Christ, it made Christianity was so fast growing up in Asia and Europe despite some countries who have a dark history, especially Japan in the 16s century. Christianity is the most persecuted religion every year despite Christianity being still the most religion in the world. Many Christians died for their faith, but they never put up a fight in 1 Thessaloniki 5: 15.

"Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else." 1 Thessaloniki 5: 15.

I have to admit Christianity has a dark history of spreading Christ in a wrong way by violence and it was about political ambition. They weren't a Christian I know. Importantly, Christians have never put up a fight, wrong for wrong but wrong for kind and love, despite they are put in hard times and persecution 

Love teaching is strongly to love each other who persecute you in Matthew 5: 44. Many people think Christians should fight for their faith, but we are never, and we have to love them of any persecuting us. A church is destroyed and burned, but we are still fine and pray for the church destroyers. It reminded a Christian mom who lost two sons due to terrorism, but she still forgave the suspects. It made me cry and touched how strong a Christian mom still loved and forgave despite her lost two sons.

Love wins everything and believes in His promises, that's why we believe in love teachings in Christianity. It sounds senseless if you aren't a Christian, but we believe it sounds makes sense. Willing to die for Christ and take up the cross, making everybody accepts Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior. Everybody will know that Christianity is a good religion about love teachings. That's a reputation we take up and show up in the world. Everybody needs salvation through us, Christians, which I don't know if can be in person or out of in person. I've been listening to the testimony about how to accept Jesus Christ and feel God's presence. It is strong and very touching, and that makes me proud to be a Christian. I definitely suffer but I still walk in the faith of Jesus Christ. I walk by prayer and praise Jesus Christ. I meet a Christian fellowship who puts God in their life and believers make me feel at home and learn from each other. I have to be grateful that meeting my favorite pastors and best friends changed my life and committed to following Him in my life. Thank you, the Lord, for not giving up on me when I had a problem and for guiding me on the right path through the Holy Spirit.

Being Christian isn't easy as my friends said, I know because I have experienced suffering. I'm okay to lose everything I have because only Jesus Christ, whom I believe in and surrender for (1 John 2: 15 and Exodus 14: 14) and Galatians 1: 10. I fight for temptation, lust, persecution, and many I face by understanding Jesus Christ's sacrifice. I believe in His promises and timing is more perfect than mine. That's a way I love Jesus Christ in my life. 

Love wins everything and believes in His promises and timing is more perfect than yours!


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