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Leading Deaf and Hearing Christians, United by One Flesh

Source: Unsplash

Before I'm going to write, I want to say the International Day of Sign Languages every September 23rd, and Deaf Awareness Month is celebrated every September. Thank you for willing and being interested in learning sign language and making more social awareness that sign language is beautiful! ILY!


I love doing daily activities to read the Bible, watch a video/ reel about sermons, testimony, and Bible study, listen to Christian music, attend the fellowship or church, and of course, my favorite is praying. It is all that I live for spending with believers who admit Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior and feels like a home! I'm blessed and grateful to have a gift that is God-given because I can write a long essay, read, discuss, speak, and have other abilities. I'm really grateful but there is something that was left in an empty room in my heart and mind. 

What is an empty room that I have? Leading Deaf and hearing Christians who can be united by one flesh. Building a family and a community should haven't been created as an exclusive community. I want everyone to be included by one flesh and feel like a home and a family. I met a blind man, and he enjoyed spending and playing with his friends despite he was almost never involved in the icebreaker.

In the Bible, God said, a man shall leave his father and his mother and is united to a wife, and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2: 24). Sure, this verse is about marriage, but I speak in other thing and speak about how to make Deaf and hearing Christians can feel like a family. I don't push out that they shall, yet they shall become one flesh. 

Deaf and hearing are different cultures, traditions, history, and how populations. Everyone knows that the Deaf population is smaller than the hearing population and the Deaf is categorized as disability, of hearing loss. Deaf people have sign language, and their culture depends on where they live in and get to. Deaf people have inaccessible to learn Christianity and listen to sermons when they attend church without providing an interpreter. Deaf people are kind of need more attention and need to be united by one flesh, having hearing Christians. 

I would be kidding that a Deaf person can marry a hearing person because it always happened, and it seems very common to me. Not just about marriage but being one flesh, which is what I want to speak about. Hearing people need to learn basic sign language, for example just learning the alphabet and daily signs. That will make Deaf people would be more feeling welcomed. Hearing people need more actions that Deaf people never ask for, like when you find a Deaf person who attends the church and you might know that a Deaf person doesn't know that the church has an interpreter, you can come there and sit down with them, to accompany them. And even, you can bring them into the community. You can't say "I'm sorry I can't speak sign language" because they have known and understood. That's okay if you don't do it. 

Leading hearing and Deaf Christians will be never easy because they have different cultures. Deaf people are kind of more sensitive than hearing people. Deaf people have the ability to analyze people's bodies because they have strong visualized by their eyes. The approach is to just hang out and mingle with them because Deaf people love so much hanging out! Don't be shame and just go on! 

Yesterday, I was super glad to see my hearing friend became an interpreter for a Deaf woman. He is still the best interpreter despite he is just voluntary because he worked hard to translate three languages at the same time. He is the best interpreter; I am admitted now! I wish it will more hearing people will be an interpreter and best friends of Deaf people, then become one flesh. I want more! I want the building to be for the Deaf and hearing can feel like a family! Like my friend studied at Rochester of Technology Institute (RIT), Rochester, New York, where there are many hearing people who know at least basic signs and can live and mingle with Deaf people, just be one flesh. At the church, we have to do the same thing! 

Everyone goes on the same mission, to the glory of Jesus Christ, as it should be. Be one flesh, be one family, and be one community building together. 

Deaf and hearing Christians can live together, in one flesh! I believe! 

God bless you! 


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