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Finally, I am back writing blogging again! I was asked by some friends who missed reading the blog. They made me to rethink about my writing plan. I wasn’t actually, I wouldn’t go up, but the Spirit just told me, "You have to write my testimony” So, I ended up registering for new blogging. Hopefully, you all would be able to read and get an inspiration about my journey as a Christian.

Being a Christian, a person who isn’t just wearing a cross necklace or bracelet put your Bible verse on your social media, and then just attend on Sundays. A person who is claimed as a son of God, once Jesus Christ whom you think who He is and what you describe. Thanks, God! Every day, every time! Put your heart out and surrender what you have effort because He is calling to you and putting you in His plans, which do you have a future, such as a relationship, career, education, etc. You can make your plans by fully controlling, as which you call tell that is perfect and very “perfection”, but God’s plans are perfect and better than what you have planned. And, even, if you are stuck in unplanned and unexpectedly but is still better. You are going to be afraid of what are the plans that you are unplanned, but those are still better. If you think when you are stuck in a bad situation, you can be thinking that God never understands or your plans are unanswered, but God never harms you and God will prepare a good plan for you (Jeremiah 29: 11). Why does He create a plan for you? Because when you are born to be a Chosen, by getting baptized the Holy Spirit. And even if you are an unbeliever, you are still placed in His plans. Every human is His plan, but God has created a gift that makes you have the freedom of choosing what you go or what don’t you go. (1 Corinthians 8: 8-9)

THANK YOU, GOD! Every plan that maybe you never create but God has created for you. You will never know what you expect for tomorrow. Whether it’s writing that I am just writing down here and I have unplanned, but God wants me to re-write and share the gospel. So, I am going to say,



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