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A Pastor (Should) Criticized, A Church is What (Model) About

Source: Unsplash

In religious life, you know the preacher gets the honor and popularity due to their specialty and a theology degree and even memorizing the Bible and Christianity. They get honor from Christians who become a member of the church and even non-Christians. It sounds like a cult a person who is treated like a king. Well, I have explored different churches and ended up becoming a member of my church. I maybe know churches' traditions and systems. But I criticize the culture as excessive action. The assumption, a temporary I know is part of our culture having to honor old people or having the highest positions. I respect if it considers a culture despite it being against my freedom of thinking.

A pastor should realize the position where they are because a pastor leads the role model to Christians and unbelievers. A good church means a good pastor. That's a reminder that the pastor should have. There was a church member who died by suicide. He wrote his final letter on his identity as gay and the pressure of being gay. He served the church, but he left because the pastors and his friends didn't care about him. Like the kind of judgmental, I've heard of. I was truly sad, and disappointed, and prayed. I thought that should haven't happened. If the time can be pulled back, I should have been the first person to hear his complaints! I don't care if he was gay and I loved him, I wanted to encourage him to love Jesus Christ because He loves people are of unconditionally and unfaith. LGBTQ shouldn't be hatred due to religious reasons. They just need room to understand themselves and encouragement to love Him. I don't ask them to repent but I want them to know and realize what they do. A church that wasn't biblical and didn't do an example of what Jesus sat down with sinners (Mark 2: 13-17) and forgave a woman caught in the act of adultery (John 8: 1-11).

I want a church to be not just a worship place but to be a house for everyone feels comfortable and enjoys, and feels connected to each other, including the pastors. The pastors take charge of leading a church. Making a good church to welcome everyone. Preaching in full of hearts out and coming from the Spirit in righteousness in 2 Timothy 3: 16, there are four words: rebuking, training, teaching, and correcting. It means a pastor needs to be criticized if you find something mistakes to make them better. A pastor is a human being and never be perfect so don't worry about criticizing a pastor. I would critique my favorite pastors at my own church! I'm not afraid and I don't care if my favorite pastors have more experienced than I or have a theology degree because I believe my church needs to be better and at least a must so a church is home to welcome everyone who wants to pray, connect, grow up faith, and feels like a family. A pastor takes charge of leading a church. We want a good church means a good pastor, then staff, members, and everyone also a good person, then we also have the same role as a pastor who takes charge of leading a church, which is to lead a church community, so a pastor won't feel alone. We build and work together.

A church is an analogy to a stadium with a 60.000-seat capacity, just like the NFL's Chicago Bears, Soldier Field, Chicago, Illinois has a 61.500-seat capacity. A stadium is built to watch a football game and expected full-packed when the college football game's Florida Gators to be hosting face Stanford Cardinal and it can be full-packed and crowd during the college football game. Why? Because a stadium sells a ticket to watch a college football game. How about a church? Will a church be full packed like the football stadium? No, we aren't sure! I know a church needs offerings, but I don't agree if a church depends on it too much. Offerings come itself without force, someone doesn't want to be in offerings, it is okay since we don't expect the offerings despite, we know a church needs them. We need to lead a good church, which is motivating people to feel at home and have a family when attending church every day. In a conclusion, a stadium needs money to attract fans, and a church needs people to feel at home and has a family. 

I criticize many teens leaving the church because of "toxic church". Toxic church--- a term we called and found some articles, kind of a church is no longer a safe place. A church can be unbiblical and abuse the egoism of the pastors and its system to destroy itself. Teens leave the church due to various things, including a "toxic church", I discuss. It always happens. I have read some articles, sadness about talking as titled having bad experiences being a toxic church. Such being church is no longer a safe place and home, church is just the worship place that formally attends on Sundays and will not Sundays, either. Come to church and go home, go on vacation, go on have fun, and be fulfilled on Sundays with spending out-church-network. 

Teens ended up making dominate at a charismatic church, but I found it is WRONG! Despite I'm a charismatic church member, I found there is some kind of misconception causing the stereotype that charismatic churches, are illogical, considered unbiblical talking about the Holy Spirit, and excessive. A richer getting rich, great getting greatness, a church depends on offerings. It has been criticized by Christians and non-Christians. I will laugh to hear their arguments, about. a charismatic church but I have to admit it's true! Back to itself churches, every church has itself system, whether it's a charismatic church or not. In a fact, non-charismatic church being as well as criticized due to law abuse. We can't blame and justify what is right. We better focus on how to be a church that is a home to open and welcome everyone who wants to connect and get closer to Him. I completely agree about the fellowship because a small group to grow up their faith and get connected. HOUSE is a PLACE for building a family, fellowship, and community. Whether a charismatic church or not, everyone calls on themselves and what way makes them feel comfortable with getting closer to Him. No one verses say what the worship kind is and what should we make a church kind of. God understands the ways of worship and praises Him, for example, David danced to praise Him. (1 Samuel 6: 14). 

I want to build a church that becomes a home, not just a worship place. We need to open the Bible study, youth community, ministry class, prayer, consultation, conference, summer camp, and other programs to make sure the church is always open every day. A church that can provide what members needs are, such as Deaf people need interpreters, we have staff and members who are fluent in sign language, blind people need a guiding block or dog guide, we are available! And even, if parents have children with autism who need a playground, we are available with volunteers' support. This is a real church; I know and want to.

I wish church members will keep making a church better and critique a pastor if they find something mistakes. We as Christians should make a place better, which is a good church means a good pastor. We take charge of leading a church community as a pastor takes charge of leading a church.  

A good church means a good pastor, and a good church community means we lead better.


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