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Why You So Believe in Christianity?

Source: Unsplash

That is an easy question because I definitely will answer it: because I admitted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior. I have met many Christians, Catholics, atheists, and different religions, and you know, the second most religion in the world, Islam. I learned all of that and respect them because they are good and have nothing wrong. They have good something. 

Answering why you so believe in Christianity, first of all, I have learned about Christianity history, theology, Bible, and Jesus Christ. I'm really proud of Christianity's history in Europe. Christianity is one of the most developed religious studies. They suffered the Dark Ages, Crusades, Church split, and conflicts until the emergence of a new denomination. The Dark Ages, the tragical history which we know the popular history that the most taught in schools over the world, I recognize that's the beginning of Christianity theology had been developed as radically and had a role in the future generations. Appearing Martin Luther, the trailblazer of the Protestant Reformed movement was the popular figure making the 95 theses to critique the Catholic church abuse at that moment and he built Christian Protestant that was different from Catholic, which meant a church without hierarchy. The Ireland Republic and the United Kingdom were where the center of the Roman Catholic-Christian Anglican conflict in the 1970s. Poland is probably one of the Europe nations that claim considered to be a religious nation in Europe and has the most Catholic population in Poland. We have heard about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) which is well known as Mormonism. Utah is the state of Mormonism's birth and Salt Lake City's headquarters (I know who the founder was, Joseph Smith and his brother), and Jehovah's Witnesses. Mormon and JV are considered heretical in Christianity. Then, a church is where teen-dominated and most popular in the modern era, a charismatic church. And many more. It means Christianity studies are getting to develop in every era. 

Jesus Christ is a good example of how to be a good human who has loving, forgiveness, and rejoicing. Every Christians at least spend reading the Bible and trying to be Jesus' characteristics in the real life. There are many verses and scriptures about proving Jesus Christ is a good role model for people in the world. Does Jesus Christ support wars if it does to defend His names? Does Jesus Christ kill sinners and enemies? Jesus Christ has never! Jesus Christ never goes to war and as far as we know, He always forgives enemies who dislike him and even a woman who was caught in the act of adultery and the leader gave Jesus Christ to throw a stone at her, but He didn't throw a stone at her and forgave her, then reminded to a woman, "Go and from now no sin more." (John 8: 11 ESV), read more in further. Still, many verses you can read in the Bible. 

If you think Christian supports wars, I will give you something and it doesn't represent what is loving in Christianity, I have to admit Christians supported wars in the Middle Ages (the Crusades) by reasoning to free Jerusalem from Islam. But, a view of the modern era, you think America represents Christianity, but why do so many Muslim Americans become US soldiers? If they want to be a US soldier because they love America so much and defend the United States Constitution, I think it is not religious relations, but it is about patriotism as an American citizen, which isn't just Muslims but Christians, Catholics, atheists, and anyone can be serving the US military. Why did Christian Americans let them build a huge mosque in Dearborn, Michigan? As it does to temples, synagogues, etc. In America, you can speak freely and do what you do as they respect you despite you aren't a Christian. 

I think only two reasons why I so believe in Christianity. Then, I watched Christian Prince's videos, very popular about Christianity. He made me proud to be a Christian and what he has spoken in his videos is true. He is a Christian who was raised in the middle east and a native Arabic. He has an Islamic law degree and settles in America. You can watch his videos and I love him. Very recommended!

Thank you! May God bless you!


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