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10 Short Q&A About Christian Faith

Source: Unsplash

Spending a great Sunday was how blessed I was and to be my friend who came to worship for the first time, I was super glad! This how blessed I was. After the service, we learned a little sign language mixture of ASL (American Sign Language) and BISINDO (Indonesian Sign Language), which was super nice. Talking about the questions and answers about the Christian faith sounds familiar with the trend. A number of questions that I made myself, but it looks very basic as to what I purpose of writing the Christian content. 

Glad to respond it much as I know, here are the top ten short questions:

1. Do you believe Jesus is the Lord and Savior?

Yes, I believe it! No doubt, He is the only one.

2. Do you believe the Bible is the only life guidance?

Yes, I do, Bible has a long history, and it's found in the middle east, which is Christianity's birth. Bible is all true, no doubt as well at all. 

3.  What is your favorite Bible verse, and what the reason is?

I would say, Matthew 5: 44 because I know Christians have suffered for their faith, persecution, and discrimination in every nation and over the years-- becoming the most persecuted religion in the world, but Christianity remains alive and grows so fast around the world. Why? We are required to love and pray for enemies who persecute us. We do anything in love (1 Corinthians 16: 14) and compassion. This maybe not make sense because a thing is tough to do, we admit it, but we have to! 

4. What is your denomination and the church?

Pentecostal, as to the charismatic church, but I would rejoice to attend any different denomination churches. All churches are the same, for me because we are on the same mission and faith. A Catholic church is my favorite to visit or sometimes, pray. 

5. Why Christianity affirms three gods?

Well, that's a long explanation, we know but truly which is we believe one in three, three is one, meant God is the only one we believe in John 14: 6. We stand up for three persons in God, the only one. But I don't need to explain further as we remain to believe in Christianity doctrine, in which of worth believing Jesus Christ is the only God one, we worship and pray.

6. Are you agree about interfaith marriage that becomes viral on social media?

No, I disagree and read more in 2 Corinthians 6: 14-15. I know that's a personal business that I am supposed to respect, but as a Christian, I would say no and only marry to a Christian woman who puts in biblical life and trusts Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior. Don't be ego and surrender it to God, keep praying. God will send the man/ woman that you've wanted. 

7. What am I good at?

To be honest, I still try and learn. Sometimes, I'm not, and sometimes, I am. I don't know. I would be grateful if someone gets an affirmation about me, as called a friendly and loving man, I say it's about who I wanted to be. The main thing is only I want to be like Jesus Christ consists of love, rejoicing, forgiveness, self-control, prayer, humbleness, value, and what the book of Galatians 5: 22-23 says.

8. Who is the most important person you meet with?

Jesus Christ! He is the only person that I want to talk to and listen to His voice. When I feel weak, I will go to Him and spend more with Him. He only makes me comfortable and better afterward, stronger. 

9. Where would you serve and go to share the gospel?

I don't know where I get to and would, but, surely, I will serve the Deaf Christian community who do not know who Jesus Christ is through sign language and Deaf accessibility that usually they use for daily life. It all belongs to God; I just pray more and follow what He wants. 

10. What is your dream as a Christian?

The Holy Land! Been curious about how Jesus was alive and how growth early-Christianity birth, and also the twelve of Christ who minister and died for Christ. I'd like to learn about theology and Christianity history, I really want to go to a place where the Bible was found. 

Well, the top ten questions are over! Hope you goes blessed and better understanding. God bless you!


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