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A Sermon, I Heard Ever

Source: Unsplash

A sermon that has been preached by pastors who take a step in leading and preaching at a church, is one of the most interesting, and have been thinking of how to prepare a sermon. I got the sermons that pastors sent before the service happens. Having privilege to be reading the sermon that the pastors sent, I'm pretty grateful. I learn sermons every Sunday. The sermons all I read are so good and inspired, in analyzing how the pastors experienced, biblical, and how to put some tips in devout in Christ Jesus in the right way. Pastors at my church talk as often in short quotes that easily I remember.

I love listening to online sermons preached by Hosanna Wong, Mike Todd, and Steven Furtick, and some pastors and influencers who appear on social media. They worked so well and for God they serve. By the Spirit, pastors definitely will preach the truth of worth speaking in the right way in Jeremiah 3: 15. I know pastors who I ever met, wasn't a pastor should I have seen. 

Pastors, Paulus wrote in Ephesians 4: 11, that addressing "the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds, and the teachers", also in verse 12, Paulus writes, "to equip the saints for the work of ministry. for building up the body of Christ." For further explanation in Ephesians 4: 11-16. The paragraph is a way about ministry and building up the body of Christ, that definition grows up, better knowledge, speaking the truth, and fullness of Christ. In the case of we saying we work for God to preach to people to know God as well. Pastors work that way and anybody who knows God by preached pastors. 

Another verse that says about proclaiming the gospel should living the gospel is 1 Corinthians 9: 14. Regarding what we have read Ephesians 4: 11-16 and 1 Corinthians 9: 14, I think pastors who have prepared to be good public speaking and know what to do so. They get a bachelor's degree to complete a four-year high education in college and seminary. Every college and seminary have different systems depending on the denomination and church. 

I have been wondering about how to prepare a sermon that is able to be heard and easily Christians remember. I know it's not way going to work easily, but I believe that all comes from the Spirit working. But, back to what I wrote "A Pastor (Should) Criticized, A Church is What (Model) About (" on criticizing pastors forget who works for and what should be good pastors, pastors should be criticized for making it better. We should not be cult the pastors, but we learn from them as mentors and lead us to be in Christ Jesus in the right way. I remember there is a pastor who leads and helps me out of what I unpack and unplanned, he warned and prayed every day. I was mad and sick of some stuff; he was really patient and never stop remembering how dangerous might will happen if I decide to be unpopular decisions and against God. 

A sermon that really should be easy that we remember, I learn sermons that usually they send before the service starts. We spot in the right way, at least we need to be good at listening to sermons. As a Christian, I say thanks to my pastors who always send their sermons and preaching that has been I remember until now, whether happens at my church or online on social media.

Pastors work for God to preach the gospel and make people know God, the way they work. I know there is controversial speaking about women shouldn't be pastors, I'm neutral and trust that at least they work for God and preach the gospel as truth as the worth of believing that they work for putting biblical, I would listen to and learn from them. My female pastors are so good at leading my church, I appreciate it. Instead of speaking about this controversial wasted of time, we need to know more about who God is and see pastors as good mentors to lead in the right way.

If you have pastors at your church, you should learn, pray for them in going to work better, and see them as your mentor. Unnecessary to be shy of criticizing them if you find mistakes. We work to be better and in the right way. Don't be cult the pastor too much since pastors are human beings and they definitely to be humbled and need to learn from each other. 

Pastors work for God to preach the gospel and make people know God

See pastors at your church, learn from them, pray for them in going to work better, and see them as your mentor. Unnecessary to be shy of criticizing them if you find mistakes.

God bless, pastors! We pray your pastors at my church, everywhere they work, and appear on social media to be able to go work better in proclaiming the gospel and making people know who Jesus Christ is. We thank pastors who lead and preach at the church and community. 


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