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Five Things Christians Should Not Do It

Edited: Canva

As a Christian, I have spent reading the Bible, listening to sermons, and reading Christianity-themed content on Internet, I think I should know what things we aren't allowed to do, according to the Bible. I will write a summary addressing five things Christians can't do. 

1. We don't watch horror movies

Thank, the Lord, I'm not a horror movie fan. I hate horror movies because it always been appearing scary, kind I'm scared of ghosts and any weird sounds I heard. The last horror movie I watched is The Nun, was at the cinema myself. I was sick afterward. Since then, I will never watch horror movies anymore. Why don't Christians allow to watch horror movies? See 1 Corinthians 10: 20-21, that Satan or the Lord, which prefer to do you choose. And another reason is horror movies that described Christian mocking like The Nuns, The Unholy, Priest, The Exorcist, etc. So, that is undeserved to be watched by any Christians. 

2. We don't celebrate the Halloween 

And, again, the same point, we don't celebrate darkness and Satan. Halloween which comes from the Irish culture and became popular in America is brought from the Irish American community, just like they also celebrate St. Patrick's Day on March 17, but I love seeing Irish people celebrate the joy and pride on St. Patrick's Day, which is all-greened color. Jesus said I'm the light of the world in John 8: 12. He didn't come to be the darkness, but He brings us to be the light of the world and the hope. 

3. No alcohol and drug

I drank a beer at a bar with my friends and listened to the British Deaf friend signing accents, that was fun. and I wasn't a big drinker and only twice drank beers. Alcohol isn't good for me because it keeps away your relationship with God and potentially breaks up and trapping in the wrong path, despite the Bible never saying that's bad. As well as also the drug, thank, God, I had never. I know the drug is bad and I won't. 

4. No sex before getting marriage

Yeah, totally, that is very true! I would keep the holy despite still struggling with porn addiction. I only want to marry a Christian woman on becoming one flesh by the Lord at a church and will keep until die. Build, fight, pray, commit, love, consistency, and support together, ups and downs. Genesis 2: 24 talks about what is meaning "become one flesh". I would say it louder, no sex before getting marriage and becoming one flesh, I have to be holy and keep the boundaries. So, I'm going to wait for God to allow us to marry and become one flesh. 

5. No judge on other people

Matthew 7: 1-2, Jesus talked about judgment, we discussed judgment on Young Pro, and it was what we were. Judgment causes you to break up the relationship with your friends, family, and even your community, letting them become suspicious and distrust each other. Talk kindly and politely, be careful with actions, and make sure you know what the position is and what should you do. Rely on the Spirit because it will work better and will not let you trap in mistakes that should not you made. 

The five things Christians cannot do is why we want to be devout in Christ Jesus and believe in Bible as the life guidance. That's not just five but will more things that Christians cannot do it. We believe that we should avoid the things that we cannot do. We only do what Bible says and allows, like in Colossians 3: 23, we work for the Lord, not for men. 

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men," 

Colossians 3: 23


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