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Which Prefer Youth or Adults?

Source: Unsplash

Seeing my foreign friend who is entering the end of her ministry contract and will be back home is definitely sad and unready to say goodbye. But I was so grateful to know who it is and what is ministry that usually they get to work and serve. Teaching English to local students, serving the community, leading the church, and helping local friends to get the right path is just awesome. Then, I didn't realize that my pastor told me that we would have a new foreign staff who serves in Indonesia for a year, and it happened. He worked so well and was humbled by outdoing services in his best work. I have been waiting for my future wish of ministering to the Deaf Christian community and going to the world to gain my ministry experience as a part of the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 16-20) because that's what I have been hoping and praying for it and I think God wants me to go there and serve for the Deaf Christian community, but honestly, I prefer to do it for the youth community. So, why am I preferring the youth community? Here's the answer:

1. Rich of youth-served experiences.

I was a sign language teacher, so my students mostly were teens. I love spending with my friends who have the same age and same experiences. I love becoming a person who gets asked to be "curhatan" or "sharing" about life problems, like relationships, school, career, faith, mental health, etc., meanwhile, some parts might I do not have much experience, but I try the best as much as possible. I'm truly open to whoever wants to meet with me and needs help from me, even though I always give a space for women which is a woman for a woman because it is a perfect spot and better than a woman for a man, and vice versa. However, I'm open if a woman wants to meet with me and we set up boundaries because we are supposed to avoid lust and temptation and keep our holy.  

2. Same ages and experiences

I love teaching and leading in the youth community because we have similar life experiences, and we need to encourage them to get better and put devotion to Christ Jesus. So, I love so much spending with teens and playing sports, then ready for a spot of listening sharing, and changing our feelings and thoughts. Having good communication is the key that we should need to build a healthier community and relationship. 

3. Free hanging out, the best ever!

I don't like when someone is afraid of talking and opt to close up themselves, then keep away from the conversation, because it's TABOO! We do not! We guarantee this is a safe community, and we try to provide a safer conversation we have. If you want to talk about porn and sex addiction, we are open! We aren't judging you because we obey what Jesus has ordered in Matthew 1: 7. That's why I love serving in a youth community!

4. Protecting teens who are risky for unstable behaviors.

Youth is risky for unstable behaviors because they do not know and are looking for an identity. So many teens are trapped in the wrong way, like sex prostitution, drug, begal or street evil, and others. So, we take charge of protecting and educating them in the right way. If they are turning 18 years above, we let them go by what they want to, and we just pray for them because we believe they are enough for living independently without us. If they need to be educated, we are open to help! We are open to everyone coming in and out. Our door never closed! Our door is open 24/7 and 365 days! 

5. Leading youth in maturing actions and behaviors.

I love in leading youth on mature progress and work in actions and behaviors. We use the example of Jesus Christ and biblical life as our model in maturing actions and behaviors since we believe it's the best that ever we believed. A joy and an honor to be part of it. 

But I am definitely open to adults and try to give the best as much as possible and value their principles. I know that's not easy because youth and adults are different, and adults tend to have strong principles and hate to be controlled. So, I'll learn to treat adults better and feel welcomed just like I treat teens because anyone needs Jesus, and we should take charge! 

So, well, I love serving in a youth community! I hope I will be there like my foreign friends who enjoyed ministering for a year in Indonesia because I'm as myself a Christian who has responsibility in the Great Commission and really want to be part of the ministry program before I die since serving God is always part of my life, it will, and it happens. 


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