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Which Prefer?

Source: ConnectUS

The last on the "Back to the Basics", I've continued listening to the sermon which started the first of "God is Love" online and was now the last talking about "worship". I was beyond happy to be there during the favorite theme I want to listen to. Thanks, to my pastors who led during that time. 

Well, welcome to my blog, I am who an author of Christian-journey content. I'm quite happy to see the growth of views and readers, averaging 15-20 viewers in every post. I'm so grateful for this growth. I hope my blog going to work better and make people get to know Jesus and the word of God, learning Christianity in the right way. I'm not a pastor, am a Christian struggling to be devout and love God as my priority as well as how started to be an adventure. 

Worship is about getting to know who you lead. "worship" is defined as honoring, following, and obeying. In history, people worshiped a king. A king is a God and sounds considered God's representative.  Javanese, Ramses, and when the world was in the kingdom-era. I worship you, to be blessed and to be acknowledged in my life as an honored person, the most any way you know? That neither to worship God. In 1 Kings 18: 21, Elijah came and spoke, "which is to worship God or which of other?" it means that you have two options, "which prefer" choosing to follow the Lord or follow Baal of the prophet, no one answer a word. Vanessa said do not worship other gods in the last sermon. Maybe, you have many idols that you've seen and are impressed with, like me, who is a football fan rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs and the best quarterback, Patrick Mahomes, despite I'm not from Missouri born and growing up. Being Patrick Mahomes idolized is not wrong but take a boundary and a little reminder that he is just a guy, not a God. Tom Brady is a holder of seven-time Super Bowl champion and has been considered the GOAT (the greatest of all time) in NFL all-time history. Lionel Messi is a greater soccer athlete, (I am not a soccer fan), which he is called "an alien", as well as an Argentinian soccer legend, Deigo Maradona called the most popular, "God's hand". Overreacting, isn't it? To me, that's normal but take a boundary in idol players you are impressed with because that can be dangerous if you do not take a boundary. 

So, why we should worship God? Is that worth it? I say yes, God is the first love and priority. Kinda, you have a question, which prefer? God or any other. God makes what you've ruined to be blessed, Satan makes you've blessed to be ruined, Erin's a signed video in American Sign Language on her Instagram @erinfollowjesus. 

I was sitting alone at the IEC and thinking about worries after having lunch with my best friend at my favorite restaurant, I started going upstairs and praying alone in the classroom, spending more with God and writing a whiteboard about what was listening to the word of God. I found my heart out. Here was God sitting down with me and teaching me. I am likely continuing what I did because here is a way, I find God. 

I consent with "worship is a weapon", I discussed it with my friends and was fun, I also wrote a note at the service. Worship is a weapon against the lies, lust, and temptation that comes from the world and Satan. Worship is trustworthy. 2 Corinthians 6: 10 addresses belief and knowing the situation, "sad but rejoice, as poor but richness, having nothing but possessing everything." The situation puts that believes in Him truly right here, whatever toughness. Also, we talk yes to you not to be anxious, 

"Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them." 

Matthew 6: 25-26

So, worship is about belief and knowing the who of the Lord. Let's pray, praise, and worship God every day and every time, it is "which prefer" to do you. Choose God first and put Him in your heart. God is our first love. Forget your worries, anxiety, and sadness, just surrender them to Him and pray as often as you can, you fight in the right way and work your faith, be faithful to His promises, see in the righteous and wait patiently for God's plans. You win the battle, win the hope, win the life, and win the tough, He will promise. Worshipping God is your priority now.

Have a nice day!


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