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Christmas is Coming!

Source: Unsplash

The end of the year-- what a way and thrilling two-month in a row! Thanksgiving was to be held on November 24th at my friend's home and now is coming up Christmas. Football, food, and family were all loved at Thanksgiving, and now another celebration on Christmas. I'm so grateful to be able to experience Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think it was a special day that would have. Sure, we celebrated Halloween which I didn't like but was joyful. Thank you, XA Chi Alpha and an English-speaking church, English Worship, and Yogyakarta International Congregation!

We about Christmas storytelling are telling and reading Luke 2: 1-10 (The Birth of Jesus Christ). We point out in verses 8-10 where shepherds fear and the Angel said, "Don't fear... "great joy for all the people" (Luke 2: 8-10.) God has good news that the world was hoping for. If you want to rethink that what love was in the past, how to forgive your enemies, and how to rejoice in every situation. That all came Jesus was alive and He was the Changer, He taught us in the fruit of Spirit, which, is how to love, forgive, rejoice, and have compassion. That is such a grateful blessing. How generous God has been. 

We analyze the New Testament, which has been my favorite to learn, analyze, and reflect on. I asked, why Jesus Christ came into the world? Why He forgave a woman caught in adultery? Why He orders us to pray and forgive the enemies who persecute us? A lot of questions have shown how generous God has been. Jesus predicted that what would happen in the world, and ALL have been written in the Bible. Amazing! So, that all put your heart that why you need to put God-centered in your life and be a God-fearing person.  

On Christmas, you have the bucket list of the movie serials most watched, like Frozen, Home Alone, and Ice Age. Ice Age is my favorite, obviously. I always sit down and watch Ice Age. Ice Age takes me into the imagination of living in the winter like having snows and snowball fighting, was, like we played last night, within the paper instead. I haven't been to experience winter and snow, but I will in the future. 

Why the movie serials always appeared joyful on Christmas? The powerful is about love. Love is joyful, love doesn't envy, and love is kind in 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8. Love is rejoicing, by sure. Most inspiring of the book of Philippians is the verse: 4: 4 and 4: 6. will rejoice and don't be anxious. So, Christmas is about love, joy, and rejoicing. And even, if you think that the movie is just acting but it should be! You need to rejoice because you deserve love in the eyes of God. 

God sees you, rejoice,
God sees you, love.
God sees you, forgive.
That's what Christmas meant.

So, I'm going to say Merry Christmas to everyone who has deserved to rejoice, love, and be joyful!


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