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Why We Should "Faithfulness"?

Source: Unsplash

I went to the dormitory at a Catholic school where the priest lived, and I was impressed by how faithful they were-- a concept of clerical celibacy-- which they aren't allowed to marry and dedicate their lives to God. As a Protestant, I can't get what this concept is, but I respect and am impressed by how rejoice they are. In Protestant, we are allowed to marry because no one marriage ban specifically in the Bible. I guess Catholic is one of the apostolic lineages of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 7: 1-40, in a point of verse 8-9 as what the Apostle Paul wants; to remain single as I am or should marry if you cannot exercise self-control.

"To the unmarried and the widows, I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am. But if they cannot exercise self-control "they should marry". For it is better to marry than burn to with passion." 1 Corinthians 7: 8-9.

Catholics adopted the lineage of the Apostle Paul its system and the hierarchy in what the leadership positions. It needs to commit and consistent. So, I don't think it is easy. The faithfulness, what a word of say. 

We heard the sermon "God is love" by Pastor Mike at my church. God has been faithful to you since you unaccepted Him as Savior. God doesn't need to prove because He has been faithful. We see how God forgives your sins in 1 John 1: 9. When you make mistakes many times, you would think first, like these: 

"Is God upset?"

"Does God still love me?" 

Maybe 1, 2, 10. Jesus didn't say seven but seventy-seven times. We see how faithfulness God is in Matthew 18: 21-22 when Peter asked if he should forgive his brother and how many. Jesus never answers the entire of your questions because He has been faithful. He doesn't need a question as He loves you.

You can say, "Jesus, I love you." and He would. How many He will. 

I'm a football fan and I was a bandwagon because the only cheered for was a team who dominates in the league or becomes a championship. From the Kansas City Chiefs then moved to the New York Jets, then the Los Angeles Chargers, and cheering back to the Kansas City Chiefs because of Patrick Mahomes and trying to be a long-time fan. I am not loyal to a football team, but God is loyal, the most. God first comes when you feel anxiety, mad, depression, and whatever you feel, when nobody who be there for you. Living sinful activities, all have forgiven and how generous and powerful love He is. We see the faithfulness of the Lord's hope when I remember what we discussed about Hannah at Core Group, a woman spending with the faithful to the Lord, of having a child and it existed in 1 Samuel 1: 1-28. We see how faithful Hannah vowed to pray and speak in her heart, the middle of Eli thought she was being drunk. She went and met her husband to feel the presence of God. God sends great joy, Hannah is pregnant and birth to Samuel, a child that she hoped for.

Looking at how faithful Hannah was, we know and say how matters having faithfulness. We shouldn't say a reason, but we say it's a must because God doesn't have a question and God has been faithful. You believe in Jesus Christ, and you are required to be faithful to Him because you believe in Him. 

Setia, who is with? Put God first, a person be with you, always. Everyone changes, God is consistent. 

God doesn't need a question, but you are.

God loves you as He has been. Work faithfully. Trust faithfully. Don't go away and don't give up. Back and go with Him. Pray and ask Him as He will hear and answer you.


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