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How (Conquer) A Sin

Source: Catholic Insight

Why does a human sin?

As the first thing, I would tell you. Lust and temptation, we cannot win these. That's period! But, if you are a son of Christ, you'll get why and how sin comes from. Jesus died on the cross for your sins. That's exactly, but why you still cannot win these, so why?

The world, again, the place of full lust and temptation. You still cannot win these, EXPECT by having God at your center of life. 

That was written by an Instagram story. Then, we would like to discuss sin and why human has sinned? That's a great question. Let's talk about it!

So, would a human like to a sin? 

No, they wouldn't unless they can see the power of God after getting baptized by the Holy Spirit. We learn in Romans 5: 12

"Therefore, just a sin came into the world through one man, and death spread to all men because all sinned." Romans 5: 12

So, we are natural humans having sins because we would. Romans 5: 12 early explains how a sin comes from. It has related to the book of Genesis 2: 13-17, God's commandment, that if eating the forbidden fruit, so it surely shall die. See how this happens in Genesis 3: 1-24.

"Where you are?" God is looking for Adam and Eve hiding. 

Is a sin practical in life?

A sin that doesn't come if you are tempted to do forbidden things because you did and you do not know. So, sin would be as long as temptation and lust will be going on. And you still cannot win these. In the world, a sin means punishment. Human creates laws so can be obeyed and will not fall the canyon, but sometimes-- the laws created in the world against the Bible-- that force to be obeyed. We see 1 John 3:4

"Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness, sin is lawlessness." 1 John 3:4.

What do you think?

You choose to follow, which means you only obey what the Bible says, and you aren't supposed to obey the world's laws. For example, in a country that allows same-sex marriage, then you don't, and you are unnecessary to obey, and you still can marry between a man and a woman only. Pray for this country so the country will cancel its policy as the policy against the Bible so they can back to the Bible, Sola Scriptura. Probably, you can protest on the street, hopefully, it works out. The world, again, has never listened to God's word. So, it's a dangerous place, this place needs to be light. 

Forgiveness is a great joy.

We see the Birth of Jesus in 2 Luke 1: 1-12. The verse 12, "...great joy." Forgiveness is a great joy. Before Jesus came, the world was full of lawlessness in God's words. The act is to forgive, that's what Jesus did for a woman who was caught in adultery in John 8: 1-11. "Go home and no sin more."

Jesus said, "I'm the light." in verse 12. The light is that the world needs that one. He knows the world is a dangerous place, so He came and paid the penalty, so all sins are forgiven. Then, Jesus appeared after being crucified, that's the victory and the hope that the world needs. Then, Jesus ordered His twelve to go into the world and share the great joy. What did they do? Forgiveness, the main reason is what they tried to minister to the world. They died as martyrs, so they could believe that forgiveness still exists and will never die. Many evangelists, missionaries, and Christians were suffering and awfully treated, and even if they had to face the death penalty, they still forgive. Forgiveness remains alive, never dies, and will exist. 

In the Roman Empire, a country that had known Christianity under Caesar Neto who was a dictator and had a role of massacre over 2.000 Christians. Hundreds of years later, Romans becomes Christians and celebrated the first Christmas on December 25th, Dies Natalis sol invictus. Forgiveness has a main role in the world that frequently needs it, looking at how happened the Roman Empire. In Japan, Christian Japanese still exist despite Japanese history having an anti-Christ policy that massacre three foreign missionaries and thousands of Christians Japanese. 

So, forgiveness is a hope, a victory, light, alive, and never dies. You and everyone need that one because you all sinned. You do not need to conquer sin, but you need hope. Stay living in Christ and trusting God's love as a new life and creation in 2 Corinthians 5: 17.

You still can win these if you are living in God's love at the life center. That's your hope and victory. Victory means salvation. Let's share the great joy that the world needs!


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