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Love is About Defined

Source: Unsplash

We are about to share chocolate and flower on Valentine, fallen on February 14th, only two days away Superbowl was held where the Kansas City Chiefs became the NFL Superbowl Champion by 38-35 with the Philadelphia Eagles. I'm a Chiefs fan, super glad because I witnessed, the Chiefs won a championship in 2020 and now in 2023! I couldn't prouder to be a Chiefs fan despite I wasn't born in the state of Missouri or the Kansas City area. 

This week is struggling to understand what means love. We sat down and had a deeper discussion about love at a Bible study and as well as on XA Talk Show. I learned that night and still can't get what means love. In my mind-- a perspective and an experience-- just being seen the true love or fake love. Comes by different paths. If you love God, it makes sense but if you love humans still nonsense. I see my friends are having dates and married, they celebrated Valentine's and meanwhile I wasn't and just spending alone by drinking chocolate milk glass. Singleness is a blessing, I know. Well, we are going to understand and analyze what means love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. 

"Love is patient and kind, love does not envy or boast. It is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way, it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7.

Love means respect, appreciation, belief, affirmations, and worthy treatment. 

Love is about how to love, how to respect, and how treat. We know the world isn't always being a good place to have loved. Being abusive in the name of love still frequently happens. It can be parents, friends, partners, spouses, and the community. Everyone has been struggling to understand what is love. It has to feel tough, but it is always right. 

We see the highest suicidal, they have never experienced love. That's sadness. God made the perfect, love. This is a special gift that He creates for humans. Jesus comes to the world to love and share great joy. Love is humbleness, so that's why Jesus sacrificed because He is humble. Love is part of a commandment in John 15: 12. We indeed show up full of love for each other but sometimes we cannot, and it's understandable. We are coming from different experiences and expectations. 

Forgiving is a process and don't waste out.

The thing that we uphold is to forgive. Forgiveness is part of love, but I know that sometimes still can't forgive because of traumatize, pain, suffering, and mental health. "It's your body, listen to Holy Spirit, pray to God, then make a decision. Don't be too burdensome and rush out. Just let it goes and the flow works, because God will fight for you."

I was having a meeting with my friend, what he said is forgiving is a process. I ought to get it. "It's my body, your body, we have to protect ourselves." If you don't feel ready to forgive, it's okay, and waits up. But the thing I want to let you know is to accept their behaviors, characterizations, and personality because we can't hope they change but God will. And it's the first step before start forgiving. Knowing your living is important because it all always comes from the first step. Forgiving can't start without knowing your living. 

Always having God in the central relationship.

I pointed out what Pastor Katie and Danny said, about having God at the center relationship. It makes me learn about the book of Genesis and Matthew 19: 5-6, one flesh. God brought and united them to become one flesh that will be kept until died. So, Pastor Katie and Danny try to put God in their relationship. That was my lovely part during the talk show. Divorce ruins the one flesh that the Lord has united. 

Abusive in the name of love, that's not love. So, our job is to stop being abusive and start to love. Then, keep a healthier relationship by having God at the center relationship. Having God in the center relationship means having a healthier relationship. A healthier relationship can make rejoicing, positive thinking, good support, respect, and affirmations. This is a big impact. Our job isn't to make them happy but lead them to be a better person and love God, knowing self-love. 

Setting up boundaries are probably sounding cruel but it's part of a process toward a healthier relationship. God is our mediator and takes care of our relationship. You still can protect your body and setting boundaries are your job to protect your body. Setting up boundaries is love, a process, and forgiving. Love needs belief in each other. 

We know having God at the center relationship doesn't mean we are free or solved from life problems, but we are strengthened through tough times. Start having God at the center relationship, it will be helpful.

You aren't alone, God still loves you. We are about to struggle to understand what means love. Hopefully, we can understand what means love better. Love is kind, patience, not envy, and respect, this has to believe. 


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