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Apologetics, The Fact Required About Self-Defense

Source: Unsplash

This morning, as usual, I heard the sermons and some watched apologetic videos on Youtube. I was fascinated by how they approach that is called “self-defense” in voicing the truth without judging its interlocutors. I liked the videos and learned so much things. In Christianity, we know the persecution for our faith. Martyr and Christian people who are killed for faith as Jesus has predicted in some verses of the Bible.

Then, how the approach should we own?

We see 1 Peter 3: 15-16, the verse of “gentleness, respect, good conscience, and good behavior in Christ” that means what you are doing in self-defense and you should have good act and behavior by compassion and love to each other. Respect their opinion that matters—for whatever approaches you want to—as part of our Christ laws.

I know that might be hard because you are unprepared and might you aren’t quite learning Christianity at home, church, and school so you do not know how should you do when answering these questions. But, as part in God’s commandment, you are out of the comfort zone and you are needed to ready for whatever you’ll be. Life is challenge, friendship is challenge, marriage is challenge, and what being life always be challenge. You must be challenge for being ready to use your right in self-defense. Don’t be silence! Be voice and respect to each other.

Should we offense?

No, we shouldn’t. But, by the way, I know some apologists who take offense and that’s okay at least they know themselves about self-control in Galatians: 5: 22-23. Be fruit, be grow because you are there for growing. We know that we are supposed to be defense and we aren’t supposed to offense. Believe or not, that’s a personal thing—that we should respect—for whatever we have voiced. Praying instead because that’s way better we should do.

Matthew 5: 44 says this, praying and love for those…, that you should love and pray instead of taking offense. Jesus spoke at a mountain where His followers asked what should we do and Jesus suggested to pray and love instead of revenge.

Are you ready for defending the Bible?

Starting from what do you think about John 17: 3? I will put down the verse.

And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” John 17: 3

What do you’ll think about? What’s the plan to answer or later? There isn’t later but now. Listening to Holy Spirit will lead you to voice the truth in self-defense. This John 17: 3 the most frequently question non-Christians asking and maybe Christians who are doubting, if they do not listen to the Holy Spirit.

For once, are you ready to defend Revelation 1: 8? Let put the verse here.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, “says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8.

I remind when we have the conversation group that night, these were questions—super interesting—what made to remind the verses and used for self-defense. Like this verse, Revelation 1:8 and another thing like Jesus is God or a prophet, Jesus isn’t died on cross, why Christians believe Jesus is the only salvation, etc., are you ready? Be ready! Be challenge!

Life is shared, painful, victory, and the truth, all way be ready as you need.

And, remind, you aren’t alone and God will be there for you.

As strongly verse encouraging that you aren’t feeling alone in Philippians 4: 13, for what are you doing because God will strength you every process and situation. God knows these are good in God’s eyes. We learn how Moses being himself on his missions with the Egyptians and God said, “The Lord will fight for you and you have only to be silent.” (Exodus 14: 14, and further reading Exodus 14: 1-30). God knows what Moses are worried about the Egyptians. So, He fights and makes His plans for them. You live on missions and everywhere you are, God is right here for you. God will protect you.

Afraid of being trapped? Afraid of making mistakes? No, everything goes rejoicing and great joy. Self-defense means great joy to be voiced around the world and everybody you met. God heals the burden and God restores painful, God loves you. I don’t say, this is easy but it will be hard but I want to tell you know that you aren’t alone and God is right here, God is with you. Be shield, be self-defense, be ready for whatever, then praying for them so they can heart out about God and Christianity.

Don’t forget be grateful for finished your job in sharing the gospel. You did a great job! Surrender all them to God and let God will fight for you and as well everybody you met. You did a great job! Keep sharing the great joy and gospel! God bless you!



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