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If God is Love, Why Aren't You?

Source: Bill Reichart, the sign of love.

I'm exhausted from a judgmental and unappreciated society. So, someone told, "Raka, you are so strong through this tough." Actually, not. 

I was devastated, depressed, and had suicidal thoughts (twice, dua kali). I was exhausted from a judgmental and unappreciated society. I know this ruins your life. That shouldn't be. I'm going to have to get used to hearing negative texts and no one cheers for me. Doubt, disrespect, lying, manipulation, and carelessness of appreciation. That's really exhausting. Nothing changed but I have to accept and let it goes. Instead of overthinking, writing or journaling, and installing health mental apps on my phone. Sure, reading the Bible and spending with God. That's helpful.

I remember when I attended the last Core Group meeting, the leader introduced "affirmation". I couldn't get what mean about affirmation until he explained patiently. Affirmation is a new word that I get learned. I learned about that and realized this is powerful if you receive positive affirmations. 

If Jesus is love, aren't you?

Talking about judgment, we are going to see Peter who denied Jesus three times in Luke 22: 54-62. Peter thought Jesus will judge but Jesus calls on him, "Peter" in walking on water in Matthew 14: 22-33, points on verses 27-29. That's quite enough that prove Jesus is love. Peter denied him three times but Jesus still loves him. What makes sense? 

I know the country where judgmental is normal and has an upside becomes generational. I'm tired but in fact, you can't deny that. Although, we see that God commands us not to judge so as not to be judged in Matthew 7: 1-2. Judgmental about living socio-culturally. 

I was used get to hearing negatively, like this:

"You have to marry and have a kid, where is your girlfriend?"

"You are Deaf, so why do you learn English?"

"You should believe the miracle because you still can talk and hear."

So, very negative that is such I don't want to hear and feel unappreciated. I would let it away and just go for myself. Everybody believes sins are to be punished, as necessary. But, I would say differential and I believe God is love. That's my description of what kind of the Lord is. 

God's love that should be you are and have.

We learn Romans 5: 8, which clearly out how Jesus Christ in forgiving your sins, addressing crufixication and resuccuretion. Jesus on the cross and rose, this is who Jesus Christ is. In the book of John, we know God's commandment to love each other as God has loved you. 

I had always been in God's love community which I could see. I was tired of being judgmental, then withdrawing from these communities that did not teach better. I wanted to see God's love through behavior and actions. I found a community where I could see what kind of God's love was. A church community I joined, I learned and attended the whole of church events, I experienced so damn good and being treated like family and God's love. I saw my friends respect and don't use me as a charity, and it left realized that they have God's love. 

Again, we learn God's love that needed you in 1 John 4: 7-8

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love, does not know God, because God is love," 1 John 4: 7-8.

So, we have a question that could probably be for you.

If Jesus is love, why can't you show your God's love through behavior and action?

God's love--what has been about forgiveness, love, honor, sacrifice, and faithfulness--should be fruit and show what kind of God's love is to each other. 

Someone who has God's love is might be your type and the person actual that you need.

Someone has to be God's love so he can help you to grow and encourage you in righteousness and won't be fallen into trapped and astray. We see in 1 Thessalonians 5: 11, which says about encouragement to equip the great work and ministry for Christ. 

We see how Hannah, the mother of Samuel is being judged due to praying louder in 1 Samuel 1." By giving me a son" to be continued in how Hannah praying is in verse 11. Hannah didn't care about what her husband, Elkanah, thought. She is a believer in God's love. We see how faithfulness Job was, in the book of Job, where Job still believes in God's love in Job 2: 9-10. Job is a believer in God's love. As well as you are a believer in God's love.

Then, what suppose? You have God's love because it's a must. You show what kind of God's love to your friends, family, colleagues, and everyone you meet so they are able to see God's love. You are, I am, as well as your family.

When you are praying for the future husband/ wife, the point that actual you need is to have God's love you could see with your future husband/ wife. If Jesus is love, you are a believer in God's love, why can't you show and have your God's love in your life?

I watched a video on the Miller Family channel on Youtube. I have been a fan of the Miller family. They have biological kids and adopted kids, which is one of a cerebral palsy son to be called, Lincoln, a guy who the Miller family adopted when they were in China, then brought him home to raise in America. Dad and mom, that really those couple have God's love, especially how they struggled to raise Lincoln so he was able to walk and run. They brought him to the hospital in California, got practices, and finally God's work was amazing, Lincoln can walk and run! Lincoln has a better life and love experiences with the Miller family. They are Christians, which is his dad works as a church singer. I love so much this family.  

So, you need to have God's love is able to show through behavior and action. Everyone needs Jesus through knowing what kind of God's love is. If Jesus is love, you could be and you are God's love. I hope I can experience love, which is actually God's love through my future wife and family, and friends. God's love is better than the world's love is fake. I know you aren't perfect in God's love but at least, you need to have God's love. God's love is a process to be better and lean on God's understanding.

God's work is amazing! God is so good! You need to believe in God's love.


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