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The Future and Decisions

Source: Unsplash

When I was watching Instagram Live that was being held from my church addressing fasting and the future. I didn't know what they talked about, but it seemed like they talked about the future. That was nice. I would be writing about the future and decisions.

I was grown up in a culture and tradition where kids needed to obey and aren't set up in making decisions for themselves. So, I grew up with that, but when I joined the community. I started to learn about how to make a decision for myself, how should I stand up for, and how to make my life happy and proud. I become an individualist and tend to being independent. It has been part of my life, and because of what has been learned, I want to respect people's decisions and lives as well as they will respect my own, and that's versa verse. You cannot hope to get the respect due to your position and seniority like age, profession, race, language, etc. But, sometimes, everyone has difficulty and doesn't know how to make a decision because they are afraid of making mistakes and do not want to make people feel disappointed over their decisions. 

Well, that's a thing that I want to share with you. Making a decision never be easy, friends. It has always been tough but making a decision always matters for your life because you own yourself. You don't need to be created like a toy. You need to change and that's why you need to make a decision for yourself. 

God has plans for you

We see Jeremiah 29: 11, clearly out stating how God's plans that actually created for you. God is timing right, always. You need to trust God's timing. When, you want to change for your future, like marriage, having a kid, job, dreams, and whatever you want to accomplish. Be sure, those all are good and nothing wrong. You need to have a positive vibe and believe it's God's invention in Philippians 4: 13. 

We see how afraid Moses was when he gets appointed by the Lord to finish his missions in Egypt. We see out in Exodus 3, storying about Moses' missions. You'll be seeing some verses say, "Here I am." and "I am has sent me to you." when Moses complains. Moses became believed that God has a plan for him and his followers. We need to learn again about crossing the Red Sea where the Lord says that Moses needs to be silent because God will fight for him in Exodus 14: 10-31. So, Moses knows that God's timing always be right and perfect. Pharaoh and his troops didn't come at on right time. You can learn and research the book of Exodus, especially Moses' missions. 

Believe in God's love

Did you know about the television serial that is famous in Indonesia, called Azab (I don't know what exactly means in English and maybe it means God's rebuking)? It sounds more like a comedy serial. I'm not a fan of Indonesian television serials and prefer to watch American television serials, like FBI, Grey's Anatomy, Chicago Med, Reservation Dogs, House of Cards, and many best American television serials that I always spend watching. I highly recommend these serials for you if you want to watch an American television series. 

In Christianity, we believe there is no azab or condemnation for sins and mistakes because we believe in God's love. We see in John 3: 16, 1 John 4: 9-11, and 1 John 4: 16 as same talking about God's love really exists and God's commandment to love each other. Jesus died on the cross and it's Jesus who has shown His love for you. God's love means God's forgiveness unlimited and unconditionally. We see how forgiveness and sacrifice of Christ Jesus for His love in Romans 5: 8. That's God's love that we believe about. Jesus comes to the world for great joy, that's why actually we want to know and see how much love Jesus has shown.

Rejoicing for unpopular decisions.

Deciding to follow Jesus is an unpopular decision that you might have never thought of. Jesus has warned that the world is full of hate in John 15: 18. Suffering over your decision, you need to rejoice in Philippians 4: 4 and 4: 8. You just need to rejoice and be faithful to your unpopular decisions because you can't please humans or make people happy with your unpopular decisions. Be grateful and rejoice because you make a decision for yourself, you should deserve to get that. 

That's a powerful verse talking about rejoicing in Psalm 32: 11

"Rejoice in the Lord and be happy, you who are godly!

Shout for joy, all you who are morally upright!" (Psalm 32: 11)

Singing the Psalm one be rejoicing and God's faithfulness. Let's sing!

Don't be afraid of making decisions, whether to making an unpopular decision because God eyeing this is a good decision if you are faithful and be listening to the Holy Spirit. God is your best guide for making decisions. Be different and be yours, you don't need to make a collective decision based on your group, you just need to be yours and different. Listening to the Holy Spirit, you will follow what God has spoken for you. Don't mess up God's plans and your decisions. Let's sing the Psalm, the most beautiful one ever. Singing together in Psalm 31. Let's sing and praise the power of God.

God is so good, you need to know this sentence, God is so good! Hallelujah! 


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