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Showing posts from May, 2023

Church Reformation

Source: Certified Autism Center The church is not just called " the name ". like Hillsong Church, New Life Church, Calvary Church, and Christ Church in America and we know GKI Gejayan, GMS Yogyakarta, GBI Keluarga Allah, and Gereja Kerasulan Baru. The church is actually in the basic of serving.  The basic of serving consists of how God calls you as a son of God and serves each other in Matthew 20: 28 and Colossians 3: 23. " Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many ." Matthew 20: 28 " Whatever you do, work heartily as for the Lord and not for men ." Colossians 2: 23 God is not to be served but He wants you to serve the Lord through giving the help and teaching each other to get know more about. That's the basis of serving where the church has a purpose of work. The church is home to everyone and God calls you to serve each other not for the church as the church is basically the home of where you

The Gospel Movement: Sensitivity to Social Issues

Source: Medium When I was sent a sermon from my friend on my birthday, that was about Holy Spirit and I didn't read the entire sermon, but I believe it was a good sermon. I know every church and denomination has a different perspective about the Holy Spirit, apostolic, and liturgy. The charismatic church is well-known for being Holy Spirit centered. But, what is "inside", is no longer being important, it is how it is. Therefore, the thing that becomes important is to talk about the social gospel.  The social gospel is probably the most rarely talked about in church activities. In the modern era, we are spoiled by technology and accessibility, and the world is getting developed. We see this in Jeremiah 29: 7. " Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper ." Jeremiah 29: 7. That is the letter that the prophet Jeremiah sent from Jerusalem to Babylon, th

Christian Education in the Modern Era

Source: Unsplash I spent reading Frater Mangun's profile and I loved how his dedication to education, which is important to me. Frater Mangun was the rare person that had to have a different education system in Indonesia, Aachen, Germany, and Colorado, United States. Indonesia is a country that has strong culture and traditions the students are taught to obey and follow their senior instructions, a bunch of advice, and commandments, and even live in senior's experiences that are considered going to be successful. It doesn't free-living independently and finding what means life. It is full of doctrine, concepts, ideas, myths, and systems that are against free-will human-being independence.  Here's the blog that we are addressing about Christian Education. The Christian life is simply back to the Bible only. In Roman Catholic, we are learning about Gravissimum Educations , which is part of the Second Council Vatican that was declared on October 28th, 1965 by Pope Paul VI,

Is Megachurch Biblical?

Source: Megachurch, Unsplash I'm delighted about the increasing number of new Christians who accept Jesus as Savior and the Lord and getting baptized. It reminds me of the movie that titled "Jesus Revolution", where I watched thousands of unbelievers go to the beach to get baptized and accept Jesus as the Lord. Jesus is real. He exists. God is so good. He knows what the perfect timing comes to everyone who might have never thought before. He chose you first before you ended up knowing.  Megachurch, what does that building? That is a large church that can hold more than thousands of people to worship God. I knew that building from the movie and several conferences that ever I attended, like IF Gathering. Passion Conference has been famous for these years. My friend sent a video and some links about Passion Conference 2022 was to be held in Atlanta, Georgia. Those are usually in America and America has many megachurches and conferences annually and always be full-packed, bu

Failure (or) Imperfect of a Christian

Source: The Gospel Coalition Have you ever felt that you are a failure or imperfect of a Christian? Sometimes, it could be yes. We are humans, who never be perfect. God is perfect, He is. But, we always see that humans always need to depend on each other, like a husband would need a wife because he isn't ready to lose her. A mom becomes overprotective because she doesn't want to see her child feels hurt. That's human nature, it's understandable.  I spent last night watching Young Sheldon Season 1 from the first episode to five-episode. I saw Mary's Sheldon mom became over-worried of Sheldon because Sheldon always be alone and didn't have a friend. And, even, Mary is very religious, serves a church as a church secretary, and always teaches her children about Jesus. She also leads a Bible study for women. I love this series, the best ever I watched. This series represents two different perspectives on parenting and life purposes. Western and Christianity, are both