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Is Megachurch Biblical?

Source: Megachurch, Unsplash

I'm delighted about the increasing number of new Christians who accept Jesus as Savior and the Lord and getting baptized. It reminds me of the movie that titled "Jesus Revolution", where I watched thousands of unbelievers go to the beach to get baptized and accept Jesus as the Lord. Jesus is real. He exists. God is so good. He knows what the perfect timing comes to everyone who might have never thought before. He chose you first before you ended up knowing. 

Megachurch, what does that building? That is a large church that can hold more than thousands of people to worship God. I knew that building from the movie and several conferences that ever I attended, like IF Gathering. Passion Conference has been famous for these years. My friend sent a video and some links about Passion Conference 2022 was to be held in Atlanta, Georgia. Those are usually in America and America has many megachurches and conferences annually and always be full-packed, but I don't know if Indonesia has a megachurch and a big conference, but I was lately heard that JPCC (Jakarta Praise Community Church) held a big conference at Madya Stadium, Jakarta, and was one recently in Jatidiri Stadium, Semarang. That was nice. I listened to some good sermons from several famous and influential pastors or preachers that the millennial generations loved to listen to. I loved them and I learned a lot. 

But, what is a question? Is that allowed having a megachurch from a Bible-based perspective?

Actually, it has never been talked about that in the Bible, but the Bible itself talks about the church leadership that is written in First Timothy. You can see 1 Timothy 3: 1-13. This talks about the qualification and quality of Godly church leadership. The Apostle Paul wrote this letter when he was in Rome. He knew he knew the successor after him would lead the church so he wrote a letter for church leaders. Jesus came with twelve of Christ and still found some more people who ever met Him in person. I don't count how many followers that have met Jesus in their life. However, I'm sure it was supposed to be many followers who believe in and have met Jesus in their life. Jesus never talked about how many people follow Him. He strongly suggested that will more people around the world come to get baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit and become His disciples in Matthew 28: 16-20. 

What is the quality of a Godly church? That's a great question because the church is supposed to be a safe place and home to everyone who wants to know God and feel at home. Sadly, the church occasionally has never been a good church, the church is trapped toxic church. I have friends who have a bad relationship with their church, and even one of was committed suicide and left a testament that critiqued the church that he served. My friend shared his judgmental experiences over his decision to move to a new church. So, the question is why a church becomes toxic? 

A church is a Bible-based home. A Bible-based home is a church.

A church is committed to "the back to the Bible", which is part of the six solas of Protestantism. A church is your, my, and people's home which is supposed to be the back to the Bible. We don't care about the traditions or liturgical and we care about how a church is committed to the Bible-based. That's a question. Ephesians 4: 12 says, "to equip the saints for the work of ministry, that is, to build up the body of Christ." (NET). This letter says that a church is equipped with ministries, programs, services, beliefs, and environments by fulfilling the body of Christ. A pastor leaves a church in scandal, corruption, abuse, and toxicity, that is an unhealthy church and isn't good for ministry. 

Whatever it is--small, medium, or megachurch--that has nothing, and the vital is about how a church is committed to the back to the Bible and as part of building up the body of Christ. A church leaves you feel at home and helps to grow your faith. That's so good. 

Based on my experiences...

I have never attended a megachurch but I don't really like to attend a megachurch because I love a small community so I am able to build an intimate relationship with anyone of them who attends my church. Small is better to build a healthy environment and church. It would be fun and feel to get closer as a family, friends, and a second house. The Deaf Christian community is a small community so that's why I love serving a small community. I experienced youth and campus ministry at my church and it was a small community. So I love this small community. 

You don't attend a megachurch or whatever kind of a church typically but you come to worship God and that should be. God doesn't need a megachurch or what is typically a church should have, but God wants people to come worshipping Him. 

You don't need a church. You do need God and you come to a church to worship God. 

What is a syllogism? I think you are kind of going to know what does mean that sentence that I said. I hope you will be ended up going to know what does mean that sentence. I hope so.


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