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Failure (or) Imperfect of a Christian

Source: The Gospel Coalition

Have you ever felt that you are a failure or imperfect of a Christian? Sometimes, it could be yes. We are humans, who never be perfect. God is perfect, He is. But, we always see that humans always need to depend on each other, like a husband would need a wife because he isn't ready to lose her. A mom becomes overprotective because she doesn't want to see her child feels hurt. That's human nature, it's understandable. 

I spent last night watching Young Sheldon Season 1 from the first episode to five-episode. I saw Mary's Sheldon mom became over-worried of Sheldon because Sheldon always be alone and didn't have a friend. And, even, Mary is very religious, serves a church as a church secretary, and always teaches her children about Jesus. She also leads a Bible study for women. I love this series, the best ever I watched. This series represents two different perspectives on parenting and life purposes. Western and Christianity, are both as so good represented as throughout this series. The Cooper family is raised at a Baptist church, so it has given perspectives based on the Baptist denomination. They live in Texas, which is a state that tends to be more conservative than other states in America where more liberal, such as California, Oregon, and New York. That's interesting and has to be recommended to watch television series! 

Sometimes Christians who still can't stand up for being a good Christian

We see how Peter denied Jesus when Jesus was arrested in Luke 22: 54-57. Even though, Peter has denied Jesus three times and promised that he will follow Jesus in Matthew 26: 33-34. Peter was trying to follow Jesus but sometimes Peter was just human so he denied Jesus again when Jesus was arrested. Then, what did Peter do when denying Jesus when Jesus was arrested? 

He ran away and regretted it. Then, he repented and went to Jerusalem in Acts 11: 1-18 where he met some of the Jewish followers who started arguing with him. I can understand why Peter denied Jesus when Jesus was arrested because Peter witnessed the persecution of Jesus which looked dangerous, scary, and inhumanity, it had been painful to see. Peter thought that he can be arrested and tortured if he admitted that he is Jesus' disciple. Peter was afraid, that was normal because Peter was human and sometimes couldn't be a good disciple. 

When you lose self-control, you get mad and punch, and yell at everybody you meet. You know this is your fault, but you keep doing it again. That's okay if you say that you are a failure of a Christian. No need to push out yourself. You know that a good Christian is supposed to love and forgive each other, but sometimes you still can't and feel, that you are a failure of a Christian. That's okay because it has to be tough to keep standing up as a human and a Christian at the same time. 

Repentance draws you to be consistent and commit to Jesus.

We know that Peter asked how many forgive he should? How many? three? four? Cuma satu saja (only one). Nope, Jesus said 70 kali, 70 times! It has in Matthew 18: 21-22. It doesn't talk about 70 times, but more times as many as you can forgive. 

We study Acts 3: 19, the key is to repent, then, turn to God. That's important. Regretting of your sins that God is love and all commands to repent in Acts 17: 30. Repentance is a must. We can do it like Jesus answered Peter's question, you can repent 70 times and more as Jesus is faithful and loves you. Repent 70 times? Yes, you can. It has never been limited because Jesus is faithful and loves you. 

Recognition matters and leads to how honest you are.

I know and still can understand that some Christians feel shame to admit that they aren't good Christians. That's still okay and no need to be shamed, this is brave and you are brave to admit it since you want to be honest. Nobody judges you. It reminds me of when Mary (Young Sheldon) was shunned by her friends when worshiping at church and even Mary was asked to leave the church, which sounds like Mary was fired as a church secretary because her child named George Jr had a kid with Mandy without marriage. Yes, they are an unmarried couple having a kid. Mary was shame to admit but she was brave to admit it. Mary has tried to be a good because she always prays and leads to grace at dinner therefore she sometimes still couldn't stand up for being a good Christian. 

We learn, once, about the denial of Peter. He admitted that he denied Jesus. He was so brave. Judas' betrayal chose to end his life because he hadn't been brave to admit it in Matthew 27: 3-5. Let's read Romans 10: 9-10, talking recognition full of heart, "Jesus is Lord". You believe Jesus is God, you accept your faith and be saved. That's kind of important because it leads to how honest you are. No need to be shame and just admit what your imperfect are. You are brave and excellent, you are honest.

Actually, what the viral Giannis stated about failure in the first round of the NBA playoffs where the Milwaukee Bucks was eliminated, he says that there is no failure at basketball and that's nice, I'm in with him. In Christianity, there is no failure, but there is imperfect. Is that deal? What do you think?

Let's pray, then admit, repent, and commit. Let's do it! You are brave and you are excellent!


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