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Talking About Little James: Disability and Healing

Source: James the Younger, Catholic World Report

Watching The Chosen was fun. There was something that made me feel inspired about healing. Jesus healed so many people, from a Deaf man, a blind man, until He also healed someone who had leprosy. But there was a question that why Jesus lets the Apostle who had a disability and was unable to walk, and he needed a stick to access his mobility. Who was he? That's a great question. Let's talk about it!

That guy who had a disability and always used a stick to help his mobility was Little James, aka James the Younger or James the Lesser, that was also called James the Son of Alphaeus. The Apostle James the Less is mentioned only four times in the Bible, such as in Mark 14: 50 where James the Younger saw Jesus' crucifixion with Mary Magdalena, Mary the mother of James the Younger and of Joses and Salome. But, there is a question, was James the Younger a disability? Unfortunately, it is sure to be controversial because no Bible indication that he had a disability but The Chosen portrayed him as a person with a disability, which was an off-depth in itself Bible that might I haven't found at all. I didn't know if that was true, or not. I wish that was true. 

But, there is something that is super interesting Jesus didn't heal James the Younger, even though he always asked Jesus to heal him and be able to walk. Unfortunately, I still didn't find this conversation in the Bible, but the dialogue of The Chosen strongly touching. Jesus had a reason why He didn't heal James the Younger because He knew that healing isn't sometimes doesn't help to improve the faith. Imagine, you are a doctor who regularly meets and checks up with patients at a hospital, definitely, a doctor would heal everyone who has a disability, an illness, and something which is painful, but there is a reason why you aren't going to be healed, like myself who is Deaf and cannot be healed to be hearing and talking like hearing people have. What do you think? 

Is praying can heal?

Sometimes yes, sometimes not. Being a disability isn't an illness, he never asks you to pray for and he just wants to know Jesus like James the Younger who had a mission from Him to serve and reach more in the world. I saw him crying because he realized that he had a reason to be who he was, had a disability, and was motivated by Jesus, Jesus said that He sat down with the Father in heaven. That was much of the dialogue I reminded on The Chosen. The Chosen we watched together was given in Indonesian subtitles, so I was unable to remind or translate them into English. However, I love that so much, and I always remind myself about that. 

Praying is working and powerful as everyone knows but it depends on individuals. I'm Deaf and I never ask you to pray for my deafness because it's sensitive and I'm proud to be a Deaf person who has sign language and culture that hearing people do not have. I ask you to teach and lead me in the right way, through knowing more about Jesus. I know that I'm going never to be a hearing person or healed to be hearing and talking, but myself who am proud to have sign language and culture. That's enough. We do not need hearing aids, cochlear implants, or speech therapy, except if necessary and those are part of the individual consent, that Deaf people need. I'm Deaf, and I do not wear hearing aids, because I know sign language is my native language. I still believe in praying but I don't need to pray to heal my deafness and I have proud to be a Deaf person. 

God's plans are clear, which means God is clear.

I have no doubt about God's plans for me. I was born to be Deaf because God knows what is my living. Everyone has a way through God's plans. Everyone doesn't know about that but it has to believe in God's plans that the timing is perfect and coming at the right time. Jeremiah 29: 11, that is clear, which means God is clear about His plans. 

"For I know the plans I have for you..." Jeremiah 29: 11. 

His statement about your plans is clear, why do you still doubt? 

Do you know Nick Vujicic? He has no arms and feet, but he still can do any activities as usual as everyone does. He is independent through God's work is possible, but people might view that as impossible, like, oh, no way, that won't work, it will not I believe. He can change from impossible become possible. He is able to have a chance to preach the gospel around the world. You can watch his preaching on Youtube. You can see how God is working for him, that is really amazing. God is clear, and God's plans are clear. Why do you still doubt? You do not need to complain, deal with, and trust God because God is clear about your plans. 

Martin Luther King Jr was black, he fought for Civil Rights in America, and he represented his community, African American community, that was God's plan for him. Soekarno declared Independence for Indonesia, which was also God's plan for him. Everyone has God's plans, but sometimes everyone doesn't know what are God's plans for them. Everyone has a way through God's plans. No one can stop God's plans. There is no, what if?

Don't doubt God's plans. You are blind because you have God's plans for you might you not know. You are black and live in a white-majority community because you are part of God's plans. He never harms you and He has a good purpose for you.  It may be for your will, but it has always been the will of God. I don't know what are God's plans for you, but I believe you have a bright future with His plans, including the plans that you have prepared.

Trust, be proud, deal with, and pray to God. God is good for you. Trust God's plans. Don't ever doubt. I know you are the best and have a bright future, I believe. 

Don't complain! 

Trust and faithful to God. Be proud of you are and what you are currently. 

To be light in your community! 

Let's believe God's plans!

About Nick Vujicic's preaching "Don't Limit God", you can watch him on Youtube.


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