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Protestant, Orthodox, and Catholics? We are Christians

Source: Unsplash

Shalom, beloved friends! How is going? I'm back! Praise God, I have been getting fine in a whole of progress. Hopefully, it goes to work better step by step. But, I have decided that I would be staying away for a while but trying to back writing up when I am ready, and is not granted to happen routinely. Therefore, I am-- depends on how current I feel, the most I depend on currently. So, I hope it's okay for you. 

I have TikTok but I do not have posted for the first time, because I am not a big fan of making fun videos or reels! I just open and scroll some fun reels on TikTok. I love listening to sermons, worship, and Christianity history found on TikTok. I don't sure about the creators but I believe they are high educational in Christianity. 

I found there were some reels about Orthodox Christianity and reading the arguments about the claim about Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant, as being of a question about who is the first church in the pre-Christianity era? 

Who is the first church in the pre-Christianity era?

This question causes arguments about the claims. Well, there is correct but can be incorrect. So, who knows? But, let's read the first one, Acts 11: 26 says.

"And when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year, Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch." Acts 11: 26

So, the scripture says, we are called Christians since the first-ever worship was being held at Antioch. Antioch is definition can be claimed as the first church in the pre-Christianity era. That is a fact that couldn't deny! That's something that has to recognize before learning Christian history. But, the question is there still be in the modern era? Yes, it is located in Antalya, Turkey. I guess Christians who live nearby still worship at that church. 

Additionally, I want to share a little about three things that above which we want to discuss; Protestant, Orthodox, and Catholic. Let's go reading until the end!

  • Orthodox

Orthodox has two separate words in the Greek language, ordo means true and dox means opinions.. Orthodox plurality definition of "the right opinions" and perhaps, can be meant as followers of God. In terminology, the Orthodox church is often mentioned as Eastern Christianity with the Eastern rite. 

Orthodox was founded by the Apostle Mark and Thomas in Constinopel. In Egypt, the Apostle Mark founded Orthodox Christianity whereas being called "Coptic" in Greek meant "Egypt" Orthodox Christianity existed nearly pre-Christianity era or well-known as the first century, which has been practiced in the modern era. A survey's Pew Research Center says only 12% of worldwide Christians are Orthodox in multiple countries, like Syria, Damascus, Lebanon, Palestina, Armenia, and Turkey. Russia is Orthodox Church based, just like Catholic Roma based is in the Vatican.  

  • Catholic

Catholic is consistent with the belief in the three marks of the church, "one, holy, and apostolic church" which is just Roman Catholic. Roman Catholic was founded by the Apostle Peter who witnessed the church's promise by Jesus Christ himself that going to build a church upon a rock, and "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" in Mark 16: 18. It was in the first century as well as Orthodox church. The Roman Catholic was recognized as the Latin Church or Western Church with the Latin rite. 

As of many you know, Catholics stand up with Protestants who became the biggest worldwide member of Christians. The Catholic church is under the government of Paus in the Vatican, by led worldwide Catholic nations, organizations, and communities. 

  • Protestant

Protestantism isn't just meant "protest". but is rightfully the definition of church reformation. Martin Luther King nailed the 95 theses in the Catholic church, in Wittenberg, Germany. He became a priest and was ordained by the Catholic bishop but he protested with his 95 criticism and the role of the Catholic church. He introduced the five solas which became the most-essential Christianity theology and Bible studies. That happened in the 15th century. 

Christian theology reformation, according to the belief that somewhere Christians worldwide should "go back to the Bible" that become of being called "Bible-based only" and abandoned the church traditions against itself and even when said, "unbiblical". But, it depends on the denominations, who are categorized of the Protestant church, like Pentecostal, Charismatic, Lutheran, Calvinism, Baptist, and other denominations. 

Then, how about the Anglican church? 

This is usually called as Church of England, because of where is England located in. The Anglican church was founded, unrelated to theological reasons but it was related to political reasons. The United Kingdom empire, historically been opposing the Paus and Catholic church, and even the United Kingdom used to strongly Catholic people nationwide. 

So, how should we go into this, and which is right

Simply, actually, we are one in believing Jesus as God and Savior and admitting the four gospels, too! The four gospels are the basis of Christianity theology that we should need to know first. We believe Jesus is God and Savior, we are still Christians. Christians are in one word; in Greek, Christos and Hebrew, Mashiach, in English term, Messiah. Christians are based on the life way, observation, and teachings basis of Jesus Christ. Christians aren't strictly related to church practice, traditions, and how to worship at the church, but Jesus himself teaches how to pray, fast, and have faith in the Lord and Salvation. 

So, the term Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant, are those church traditions, practices, and how to worship at the church. We are Christians because we believe Jesus is God and Savior and admit the four gospels. We are members of Orthodox, Catholic, or Protestant then join the variety of denominations where we are worshipping. Is that clear, isn't it?

So, we are Christians. We believe Jesus is God and Savior and admit the four gospels. I'm Christian and non-denomination Protestant, but openly learn the Catholic and Orthodox and listen to the priests' and nuns' sermons, observe the virtual mass, even my cell phone has Hallow, the Catholic Bible, meditation, and educational software that could be installed on Playstore and Apple Store. So, why do I still like those things? Because I believe Jesus is God and Savior, and also I believe in the four gospels. 

So, that's really important and don't forget it!

I'm so excited to share it soon with you all! See you again! God bless you! Keep positive vibes.


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