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Why Don't I Write?

Source: Unsplash

Hey beloved friends! I'm back writing. But, unfortunately, it could be the last blog that I write. What is wrong? I have something to tell you here. 

Does everyone know the wrong teachings in the Bible? Yes, you do. 

Apostle Paul had reminded that what he preached the gospel wasn't his but God's gospel, as says in Galatians 1: 11-12. He preached and went for God's ministry. So, that's important to remind me about how dangerous wrong teachings are. It makes me feel fearful of writing or sharing my testimony if I don't be truthful. I share my testimony because God wants me to share, but I need honest to share. 

What is honesty? Yeah, honesty matters, whatever you are. 

Because honesty is about integrity, righteousness, purity, justice, filled joy, and verification. The Bible says in Philippians 4: 8. Honesty also defines salvation. Jesus came to the world, to be honest in salvation and righteousness. Jesus preached from when it was since until His resurrection, which was the twelve of Christ truthfully didn't believe what He preached. The twelve of Christ witnessed when Jesus was arrested, punished, tortured, and crucified. Even what a miracle He had been of, they witnessed the resurrection of Jesus and the Ascension of Jesus. That was written in four gospels. If Jesus was honest, that would happen. His promise is to come back to the same place where the twelve of Christ looked up at the sky. Will that happen? Yes, it will because He is honest and He will, but we do not know the "when", but we shall believe God's plans that would be going to come at the right time.

That has been a strong reason not to write it and even I could be dishonest. I need to study more and deeper as much as possible. If I feel pretty qualified to write and share in public, I would be at the right time. My current job is to study again and deeper. My faith needs to go in-depth. 

What are the wrong teachings that I have been fearful of? Let's read 2 Peter 1: 20-21 and 2 Peter 1:1. 

In verse 21, only carried by the Holy Spirit. That is very simple to preach the gospel by carrying along the Holy Spirit. But, I know some friends who claim that they are carried by the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel, but what he preaches is a total mistake, and against himself, even he goes out of the Bible itself. I know they still learn like me, but I need to be careful. The twelve of Christ whom God sent by,  had experienced wrongfully gospel, which Paul spoke to the Ephesian Elders in Acts 20: 28-30 and you can read as Paul spoke discipleship and preaching. 

Careful and critical for truth, would be important to me. 

So, yeah, I still continue my ministry anywhere I am and will be, but I think I need some time before going back to write here. I still learn. What am going to do so, is just have self-defense, which is called apologetics, because Christians are need to apologetic, which is in order in Matthew 28: 19-20 and 1 Corinthians 2: 1-5. It means we remain to share the gospel in whatever ways we use but we need to be apologetic as we are able to clarify the blasphemy and misconception. So, my job is simple and just go to share the gospel by showing what current I am--silently nor openly, of anybody who wants to know more about Jesus and I would share as short as possible when it has consent. He has some questions, and I would respond as much as he questions. He doesn't have, and I wouldn't as we have boundaries ourselves, which must be respected and appreciated. I believe the faith is by come on individuals. 

I pray everybody cares and is critical of righteousness, which leads your faith could be saved in the right pathway. 

As I promised, I will be back better than ever! Keep in faith!

God bless you! 


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