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A 2023 Journey

Eastern Orthodox Church

I felt buzzing at the end of this year because it's eventually saying that this is unpredictable but thanks to everything went well amid a tough rollercoaster side to side. I've got learned from day to day. This is important to get lifelong learning from day to day without stopping the desire for lifelong learning because we know that life is mysterious, and we are required to lifelong learning from day to day- that would make us to be better than ever. 

Christianity is rich in theology, history, and studies. I've been studying about Jesus and many more to come eventually in Eastern Orthodox by now a catechumen process. From massive disappointment with Protestant theology until now super excitement with the Orthodox, and the way that I have been part of Christian lifelong learning that only I have been grateful for how important faith living is for now. I'm grateful that I met someone who is Orthodox but knows fluently English, so we had super deep conversations about Orthodox that- bringing me into the Orthodox, which I believe about a true church that was the most I have been looking to since. I regularly attend Divine Liturgy as well as regular liturgies at the Orthodox church. I fasted a piece of days for Christmas whereas the Orthodox would be having a 40-day fasting for Christmas. By things I get to know are jurisdictions, that's something I've been interested in. I'm a Greek Orthodox Church member under the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople shortened as EP, then my friends are a Russian Orthodox church member. Again, more about the Antiochian Orthodox Church, Serbian Orthodox Church, Jerusalem Orthodox Church, Bulgaria Orthodox Church, and many different Orthodox jurisdictions but all are in communion with the one universalism Orthodox- worldly wide known as Eastern Orthodox, 

What's belief actually - Christianity based on

By going off to the Book of Acts which would be finding what's real Christian gospel stuff that beginning was in Antioch where we would be called Christians. The five old churches we know were in Antioch, Jerusalem, Alexandria, Constantinople, and Rome. That's based on where I found its true Christianity began from Christ's twelve ministry as in order from Jesus' commandment, as look in Matthew 28: 16-20. History is the main of its crucial this is what's Christianity. You should know about that since you are a Christian. 

How's life that- been eventually on its true Christianity that I've found on?

Fantastic! God's been righteous and faithful in past history and as well as currently where we live. A 2023 journey as titled seems uneasy since been, but grateful for what I have been since that moment. How grateful I am, that looking back it's been depressing really, but it went well, even though losing my best friend was a step backward moment in my life. Life is learning, so I would learn. I won't be stopping from learning. My friend passed away by committing suicide, so I learned how crucial health mental is by having a consultation with my best friend who lives in the UK, thanks and big love to my lovely mate, Albert, and being part of this campaign on social media to encourage health mental. Jesus' life was how an individual's faith is spiritual by process. Jesus' God's life at the same time as He was human, both working that. Church's triumph of life progress to become alike Jesus' look (Jesus is Church, Church is Jesus). Jesus is love and we have to love as well. My friend passed away by committing suicide, I did not blame him for this action but instead, I prayed for him and encouraged whatever takes in could I take in this campaign, which is- everything to him, I would do. It's for him, not mine because I love him. Jesus' life is powerful enough to change and build in an individual's faith living. Not just Jesus, but I love the saints in Orthodox history, itself, that's how I can see their life coming based on Jesus' lifeways as well as Christian Orthodoxy's life. Mary the Theotokos, a woman of holiness I learned about, also female saints, like St. Olga, St. Helena, St. Xenia, etc. 

So, now attending two "earlier" Christmases at Protestant churches, being tolerant, and for friends' celebration rejoice together that's something I am grateful for. I want to show them that I'm Orthodox but doesn't look scary or closing, but Orthodox is love to people whom we meet with. That's easy and simple I know by now. Orthodox life is Jesus' life. We have to unconditionally love this diverse community where we are at. But at the same time, we have to defend the Orthodox faith, liking to make the sign of the cross everywhere and know the boundaries in the go-in-between of the community where I go to and am in because we have to be true Christians based on its teachings by unconditionally love and gospel's life living with this multi communities. At those events, I begin to learn my improvement in love behaviour and action. The ups and downs are going to love both as well. You once have experienced how it is been, you will be improved by the love that you were unrealised given off - yourself, the people that you meet, and the community where you are. 

On to the 2024 journey hopefully by experiencing the unsurprisingly amazing that I expect. I want to be like Jesus for the next by behaviour, action, and things that I should fill out by living. Also, my dreams will come true soon. Grateful to Jesus for living I have been since and am ready to be better for the next journey! I'm going to be a lifelong learner from day to day! 

God is good! Glory to God! ☦☦☦


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