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Showing posts from December, 2022

What's Christmas Want You For?

Source: Unsplash I received my first Christmas gift, and it was a white shirt after four days of getting baptized at a church. When I was baptized and accepted Jesus as God and Savior, it left me feeling amazing, and just made the best decision to follow Jesus and become a Christian.  This is my fourth time celebrating Christmas, but I don't routinely receive the gift and it doesn't matter because I rejoice for the great joy.  We know Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th but the Orthodox celebrate Christmas on January 8th, interestingly, the Advents don't celebrate Christmas. So, what is supposed to celebrate on December 25th? No, there is no wrong! Because all days are good days in God's eyes and God made 365 days considered good days. Jesus is coming to the world for great joy on whichever date. Then, what gift do you want? The actual, you want to get closer to Him. I reflected back on my journey in 2022 and it was surprising because I joined the church com

Is Religion Poison and Opium?

Before being a Christian-- what a look am I--I was hating about religious stuff, sinful activities, and liberal, what you meant, FREEDOM. I did believe in God but disliked talking about religion because it will never finish and just ended up debating, with no respect.  We know the slogan of Communism, " Religion is Opium ", and I agreed about that time. Bunch of religions I learned and did, but no one came to feel to be peaceful before Jesus chose me. I supported the LGBTQ, and freedom, and was proud to be a liberalist, feminist, same-sex marriage, and whatever related the human rights. Because we live on freedom that is owned by, from, and to people in the world. I have many friends who are gay, lesbian, and bisexual, and so looked diverse I was proud. The thing I care about, the most is sports, especially football, and basketball. I spent hours watching Super Bowl, football matches, and basketball games, including the regular season and playoffs. Sometimes, cheering for the

Why We Should "Faithfulness"?

Source: Unsplash I went to the dormitory at a Catholic school where the priest lived, and I was impressed by how faithful they were-- a concept of clerical celibacy-- which they aren't allowed to marry and dedicate their lives to God. As a Protestant, I can't get what this concept is, but I respect and am impressed by how rejoice they are. In Protestant, we are allowed to marry because no one marriage ban specifically in the Bible. I guess Catholic is one of the apostolic lineages of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 7: 1-40, in a point of verse 8-9 as what the Apostle Paul wants; to remain single as I am or should marry if you cannot exercise self-control. " To the unmarried and the widows, I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am. But if they cannot exercise self-control "they should marry". For it is better to marry than burn to with passion ." 1 Corinthians 7: 8-9. Catholics adopted the lineage of the Apostle Paul its system and the hierar

Sign Language is A Gift, God-Given Part Of

Source: Youtube A black-shirt interpreter worked next to a pastor preparing the Communion As a Deaf Christian, I surely have different experiences and testimony from my friend is also a Deaf person. So, I would like to share but I am required to protect her privacy, so I won't be able to share her privacy like who is her name, where is she from, etc.  She and I got a video call and talked about Christianity. She is a Deaf Christian born and raised but struggling to understand God's word. She is also a native sign language same as mine, but we are different. I grew up in a hearing Christian community where I spend time worshiping God at English Worship and experience in that place. I have an interpreter and some friends who are hearing and know little sign language. And I'm the only Deaf person at my church.  She is also the only Deaf person at her church but actually, she has a Deaf friend as well. She does not have an interpreter at her church and is struggling to understa

Why You Are Christian?

Source: Unsplash "Christian", is a term that the first time to be called in Acts 11: 26. What do you mean by the term "Christian"? Follower of Christ, believer, son of God, and whatever you find in the Bible. But I am about to write deeper on asking why you are Christian? That would be interesting! Being a Christian, that's as usual as what you put in believing Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior. That's the one. That's basic. You are a Christian who believes in Him and that's your salvation, but you need to grow up with your faith and sacrifice why you are Christian.  Christian apologetics is the lesson that I learn and is part of Christianity theology. That's deeper and close to criticism of what I am interested in and have been. Like, you are reading the book of Lukas about the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. That all comes when non-Christians ask why if you believe in Jesus is God but why he died on the cross. And even many Christians who strugg

Christmas is Coming!

Source: Unsplash The end of the year-- what a way and thrilling two-month in a row! Thanksgiving was to be held on November 24th at my friend's home and now is coming up Christmas. Football, food, and family were all loved at Thanksgiving, and now another celebration on Christmas. I'm so grateful to be able to experience Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think it was a special day that would have. Sure, we celebrated Halloween which I didn't like but was joyful. Thank you, XA Chi Alpha and an English-speaking church, English Worship, and Yogyakarta International Congregation! We about Christmas storytelling are telling and reading Luke 2: 1-10 (The Birth of Jesus Christ). We point out in verses 8-10 where shepherds fear and the Angel said, "Don't fear... "great joy for all the people " (Luke 2: 8-10.) God has good news that the world was hoping for. If you want to rethink that what love was in the past, how to forgive your enemies, and how to rejoice in ever

You Have A Name

Source: Unsplash I was invited to be a speaker at Atmajaya and that was my first time, I was nervous because I was going to speak in front of many people. My friend taught me how to be a good public speaker and he was helpful. I spoke about my life as a Deaf person and was fun. I started to love being a public speaker and had invited to be a public speaker at any chance. I'm an introvert and so feels weird if I speak in front of many people but I love it because here's what I speak in what I write in this blog. Feeling a new name, I have received. We witnessed the baptism at my church after morning service, in which two girls accepted Jesus and got baptism, it was goosebumps. They have a name. What does mean you have a name? A name is a calling, a nickname, being who the person is. We see in 2 Corinthians 5: 17, we know primarily "new creation and the new has come."-- what seems you are born to new life, a new path, and new creation. You will have a name because you&#


Source: Unsplash I watched a service video about self-control published on Youtube on August 7, 2022. I wasn't there, but it was a good sermon. Self-control is more than about. I know I'm not as self-control better at and still am learning how to control. Controlling is what has been written in the Bible and needs a great understanding. That's not "what should I do?" and "What for?", it isn't. But, it is about the Holy Spirit having a role. The Spirit has included a decision that wants to make. Hard, best, disappointing, and terrible come with risks and consequences. I was sitting down in the Holygrounds and thinking about what the next. Then made a tough decision, and the "surprise" came it was a tough journey, but God guided me in the right way that I have never considered before. Making a decision is self-control, do which is better or not better. I spent at a bar, and at times, I drank a beer, it was relieved. But, at other times, I cou